
Bringing down the walls

Kyley looked at Darren for the longest while, confused as to what he meant with his words. The evocative expression on his face made her rather curious as to something.

" Why?" She asked.

Darren switched his gaze to Kyley and raised a brow. " Why do I feel this way?" Darren wasn't sure of what Kyley was asking.

" Why did you move out here in the middle of the woods?" Kyley rephrased her question. It was something that baffled her ever since, and it shaped her image of Darren being undeserving of trust. After all, who in their right mind lived in the depths of the wood all alone? It just didn't make sense no matter how much she tried to look past it.

" That's a long story. I'll tell you when it's right time to do so. But... Just know it wasn't by my own decision." Darren said with a bitter smile. How could he blurt out that he'd moved all the way out here because he was cursed? He was trying to win her trust here, not scare her. Kyley would definitely jump out of the wheelchair and flee if she comes to know about him being cursed and just what sort of disastrous monster he is.

' it's not that it matters that she knows anyway.' Darren thought.

Kyley expressed how unsatisfied with such a vague answer from Darren but decided not to press any further. From what he said, she determined that Darren wasn't normal.

' Perhaps he was pursued and chased away to this end. Must be sick to some extent without doubt ...' Kyley glared at Darren as she thought.

" I know I seem like a crazy guy but trust me, I'm up to no evil. Why would I save your life if I really meant to harm you?" Darren chuckled seeing Kyley's expression. He could tell that she already had ideas as to why he moved out here into the woods.

" Why then?" Kyley retorted coldly. She wouldn't buy the ' I saved your life so I have no reason to hurt you' bullshit. It made sense, but she just couldn't see Darren doing so for no ultimate reason.

"Haah! Redemption" Darren sighed.

" Redemption?" Kyley repeated in confusion. She didn't expect that Darren would tell the answer to her question as such. She'd only asked out loud at impulse.

" Yes. Redemption is what it is. I'm trying to redeem myself by saving a life. Your life" Darren looked deep into Kyley's eyes as he said with a bitter smile.

Kyley looked at Darren in wonder. She frowned when she gave thought to Darren's words, but then her exprrssion softened and she looked away from him. It felt awkward to keep looking at him after everything he'd just said.

" You may not believe me but really I mean no harm. Once your wounds heal I'll take you to the city" Darren stated. Kyley stared at him and just nodded her head inconvincibly.

" Tell me something Kyley... How exactly did you end up in this state?" Darren asked shortly after. He should have asked Kyley this long ago but he just hadn't felt that it was right to do so, considering Kyley's previous attitude and distrust towards him. However, he felt that now was the time as he had somehow made Kyley open up, even if it was a bit.

Kyley looked to the side to contemplate for a second before slowly recounting, " I ran away from my mate and he wouldn't allow it. He had the whole pack sent after me to bring me back and they... Did this to me" Kyley looked down and pointed at her wounds. Kyley was reminded of her past and fell into a state of melancholy.

" The Moonblood pack?" Darren asked. " Yes." Kyley nodded, scorning at the mention of the bane of her pack. However, she lowered her head in thought once again realizing something. Kyley knew she was only safe for now until Jason and the others would find her. And as long she was still within the woods, it was only a matter of time before they did. When that happens, she would be far from safe. This was why Kyley wanted to leave for the city as fast as she could.

Darren held his chin as he fell into deep thought. ' That explains why she'd asked if we were within the vicinity of that pack. But more importantly, to have the whole pack pursue after her, just who is this person and why did she run away from him?' Darren pondered. ' Definitely some important figure. Then why would she... Oh, the scars. Explains everything' Darren quickly found answers to his questions in his line of thought.

" This ma--... Ex-mate of yours. Who exactly is he?" He shot Kyley a glance to ask. He still needed to confirm if he'd been right with his thought.

Kyley raised her head to look at Darren, donning a serious expression on her face as she slowly said, " Jason... Jason Granger. The Alpha of the moonblood pack"

Darren was slightly taken back by this revelation. However, it was only momentary. He recollected himself shortly after and knitted his brows.

' Jason Granger...' Darren wouldn't forget that name. Although he'd never met this man, he still held a grudge against him. Afterall, he'd done something unforgivable to Kyley, and who knew what else he'd done. Darren could only tell from Kyley's scars which were obvious signs of torture and abuse.

" Kyley..." Darren called out as he suddenly stood upright. Kyley who was still worried about her problems with the Moonblood pack, and was thinking of ways to resolve them, was shaken out of her thought by this. She switched her gaze towards Darren, clueless as to why he had called out to her like that.

" You have nothing to worry about. I shall protect you from them. All of them!" Darren stated in a firm tone, pushing his chest put confidently. " You just focus on healing, okay?"

Kyley was confused as to where this was coming from. However, she nodded her head while still staring in a daze at Darren.

" Hmm!" Darren nodded and slowly walked behind Kyley. " Your face looks pale. I think it's time you eat something to revitalize and rest up afterwards" Darren urged.

Kyley did not refuse. She nodded her head in approval to Darren's suggestion. She was indeed satisfied being outside and wanted to stay longer but she could feel her strength slowly waning. After losing so much blood, Kyley pretty much knew she needed rest.

Darren pushed her back into the house and proceeded to carry her up the stairs. This time, he did so all the way to bed, leaving the wheelchair downstairs.

Kyley had no objection, and only hid her face. She was getting a bit used to it now however.


Outside, in the far distance behind a tall tree. A figure hid and watched the cabin in the middle of the woods with a deep frown on his scarred face. His deep brown iris reflected the cabin that he stared at with a cold glare, his gaze reminiscent of everything he'd just witnessed.

' All these while of searching about restlessly. Finally, we've figured out just where you've been hiding. Kyley!" The figure sneered. He grinned and hurried away from the spot.


" Thank you" Being gently laid in bed by Darren, Kyley expressed curtly. Darren was stomped by this but he shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew it had only slipped from Kyley's mouth and it wasn't intended.

' But it's at least a considerable improvement.' Darren thought with a wry smile. " I'll go make you something to eat now."

Kyley nodded her head and watched Darren's back as he walked out the room.


Once Darren left, she looked towards the window. Her gaze was resplendent of different thoughts as she reminisced on the feelings that surged within her. Thinking about what had happened earlier, Kyley felt troubled yet at peace. She felt stressed and yet, relieved to some extent. It had been so long that she'd felt this feeling and it made her nostalgic.

However, there was this tad bit of worry mixed with these feelings that she couldn't shake off of her mind. Kyley was uncertain as to whether it was because of the recent development between herself and Darren, or the fact that the Moonblood pack was still out searching for her to bring her back to Jason. Or perhaps, it was both of these that had her feeling this way.

Kyley had no idea just what exactly it was. But... She had a notion that trouble was brewing very slowly. And it was coming her way.

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