
Great news!

In the residence of the Moonblood pack, Jason stood by the window with his arms crossed behind him. He looked outside to watch as his betas brought in the Stingfang pack members who'd been held captive by the Moonblood pack. Jason's gaze was resolute and condescendingly stern.

Being at the rear end of the town and secluded, whatever was done in the Moonblood pack residence was hidden away from prying eyes.

And thus, no one complained as the captives were pushed into a large building that seemed like some sort of warehouse. Although the structure appeared weathered and old, it blended perfectly with the surrounding as many other buildings in the residence weren't too far from being the same. Save for Jason's house which was a bit more modern, most of the other houses gave off a countryside vibe.

Being a cold cruel leader, Jason looking down at the growth of his pack with a stoic expression made everyone reverent of their duties. They operated with due diligence.

Having no idea as to what was going through Jason's mind, they knew to not provoke him by slacking off.

Standing behind Jason were his two gammas and Harrod, the previous Alpha of the Stingfang pack.

Harrod watched as members of his pack were being dragged in chain into the large building where they were to be kept. He had no idea what their fate was, but he knew it wasn't a likely one.

Jason had use for them quite alright... It just wasn't what would be considered ideal by many.

" Move it!" As the members of the Stingfang pack were pushed and forced to move into the building, most of them who saw Harrod standing behind Jason by the window glared at him. Some even spat as they were being dragged away.

However, Harrod showed no emotion on his face. He knew they saw him as a traitor and felt betrayed.

Of course, they were right to see him as such, after all, he had truly betrayed them. But that didn't mean that he would try to change their mind or try to prove them wrong. He'd made his decision after all, and there was no going back for him.

For now, he knew not to think too much about them and focus on achieving his goals. Harrod moved his gaze from the Stingfang pack members and stared at Jason's back. He was no longer their leader afterall.

After surrendering and pledging allegiance to the Moonblood pack, Jason made Harrod one of his gammas.

Of course, he had proven his loyalty by denouncing and betraying the members of the Stingfang pack. Hence, the hatred in their gazes when they looked at him.

Jason, was rather impressed by this. And as such, he made Harrod his gamma.

'Good!' Seeing that everything was going just as he planned, Jason nodded his head and left the window.

Outside, in the wide opening where the Stingfang members were being dragged in chains into the large building, Paige who was directing and overseeing the whole process stood aside. Her gaze was fixated at the window of the building where Jason had stood just a while ago.

Now that Kyley and Sam were out of the way, Paige thought that she would finally have her chance with Jason. However, things have only proven difficult for her.

Ever since the last time she'd tried to console him and he threatened to kill her, Paige had not dared to near him. She had been on the search around the woods for Kyley in an effort to make things up to Jason, however, all her efforts had been futile.

Paige feared that if she approached Jason without having any result as to Kyley's whereabouts or some sort of information that was of relevance to him, he might really kill her.

Of course, Paige knew that Jason had others who he had tasked to track Kyley down, she only took the task upon herself as well to redeem herself.

' I have to find that bitch no matter what it takes. I cannot let this opportunity slip away from me' Paige thought with a resolute expression. She decided to venture into the woods again to continue her search for traces of Kyley's whereabout right after she was done with the captives.

Just then, she noticed a figure rush out from the woods in a hurry towards Jason's from her peripheral view.

" Ivan?" Paige muttered, recognizing the figure at a glance.

Ivan was skilled in tracking just as Paige herself, and he was responsible along with the other trackers in the pack for scouting and searching the woods for resources.

Paige creased her gaze as she watched Ivan walk with wide strides towards Jason's house, a thought surged in her mind. ' Something has come up. And I'll be damned if it isn't about that bitch.'

Paige was certain from Ivan's expression that it had to be that he had news as to Kyley's whereabout. Afterall, they had just finished raiding and plunging another pack.

Knowing Jason, no one would dare seek his audience except one had something of importance to report to him. ' There shouldn't be any other matter of importance to Jason other than those two- Kyley and Alphonse.'

Our of curiosity, Paige thought to follow behind the figure. However, she paused for a while realizing something.

She looked towards the betas who were busy putting the captives in the large building and she couldn't help but express frustration. Those betas were nothing but big fools, and if she left them to follow Ivan, there was no telling what could happen while she's gone. And if that got to Jason's hearing, she would end up in big trouble.

Paige was stuck at this point. She didn't know whether to leave or not.

' Arghh! I have to risk it!' Paige decided and turned to face the betas.

" Tsk!... Hey you! Hurry this shit up you bastards!" Paige hissed and cursed. The betas in charge hearing this became even more aggressive and pushed the captives altogether and forced them into the warehouse.

Paige was their superior, it was only normal that they would need to her. The hierarchy in the Moonblood pack is quite rigid you see.

Seeing this, Paige looked around once and left to follow behind the figure.


Jason after moving away from the windowwalked across the room to take a sit. His gammas,,, Terry and Igor followed behind him and stood before him with their heads lowered. New to this, Harrod just stood aside behind the two gammas.

" Get me something to drink, you" Jason looked to the side and ordered.

" Y-yes, Master Jason!' A lady who stood silently aside in the room bowed and left to get what Jason had asked. Harrod looked at this lady but immediately scorned and reverted his gaze from her. He seemed to despite the very sight of her.

' That's quite justified, after all, she was once his mate' Jason thought with a melancholic expression. The lady was Georgia, Harrod's ex- mate.

Jason didn't fault Harrod for his reaction just now, he simply had no reason to.

" I want my pack to grow stronger not only in number but in strength as well. Igor, Terry, I want you two to look after the captives and make them into loyal subordinates." Jason stated, reclining in his chair.

" Yes, leader!" The two gammas nodded almost simultaneously.

Jason raised a finger objectively and said afterwards " And if any of them tries to prove stubborn... Break them!"

The two gammas exchanged glances and grinned. " But of course, leader!"

" Leave it to us!" They both said.

Jason nodded his head and shot Harrod a glance. " Join them. You have a lot to learn from them."

" Yes leader!" Harrod bowed his head as he received Jason's order.

" Mm. I have high hopes for you. Now you may all leave" Jason said and dismissed them.

The gammas bowed their heads and pumped a fist to their chest to show their respect to Jason before turning around to leave. Harrod, on the other hand, just bowed and followed behind the gammas.

The gammas frowned at the sight of how Harrod acted, but they didn't say anything but exchange knowing glances.

On their way out, they met Ivan who seemed to be in a rush and exchanged nods with him. They could tell from his hastened steps that he had something important to report, however, they did not stop to ask. If it concerned them, Jason would inform them.

This was just how things worked in the Moonblood pack. A complete hierarchical family where the strongest rules all, and the subjects do not object in the slightest to his rule no matter how ruthless. Well, Alphonse, Sam and Kyley were outliers...

It might seem a little too extreme but to these beings, this was the way they had been brought up. They were naturally programmed to obey the command of those above them and not question it.

Harrod had noticed this in a glance, and although he had been quite modern in his previous rule allowing for nuances. He now realized after seeing how Jason ran the Moonblood pack that this was the nature of a true werewolf pack.

A ruthless, cold leadership that pulls all these feral beasts together under a single pack.

This was what a werewolf pack was, this was what it had always been!

And now he realized just why he'd been defeated by Jason and became his underling. Despite being an alpha himself, nature still caught up on him. He still had to submit to the stronger one, the alpha who commands power- A true tyrant!

That's a true werewolf alpha, not a democratic leader like himself.

' I understand now' Harrod shook his head as he continued behind the other gammas. To them, this was all natural.

" Leader, I have great news!" Ivan knelt and said in an alerted tone when he arrived before Jason. It was obvious that he could barely wait to reveal his findings to Jason.

Jason frowned seeing this scar-faced beta of his. He leaned forward in his seat and urged in a commanding tone " speak!"

Jason had prior tasked Ivan and the others to find both Kyley and Alphonse. And now that he has returned claiming to bear good news, Jason could only be too glad to hear him say he'd actually found them.

" We've found them. Both the traitor, Alphonse... And Kyley!"

Jason's eyes widened first in delight hearing this. " Hahahaha!" He bursted into laughter right after. " This is great news indeed, haha!"

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