
Humiliation went wrong

Author's pov

It was evening, and Gwen was dancing to her favorite YouTube channel. She had set up her phone on a tripod, wearing a sheer net gown. Lost in the music, sweat trickled down her face. Suddenly, she heard the sound of Dave's car approaching. Swiftly, she adjusted herself, taking her phone off the tripod and placing it against the wall. She hurriedly sat on the couch, transforming her cheerful expression into one of sadness

"Why do you look so sad?" Dave asked as he closed the living room door. He tossed his suitcase onto the nearest couch and walked briskly towards her. With a concerned look on his face, he stood in front of her.

"What's wrong? You didn't mention anything when we spoke earlier today. I don't like seeing you like this. Tell me, honey," he urged.

"You know what I want," she replied.

"Why would I know what you want if you don't tell me?" he questioned.

"You make promises you can't keep," she turned her face away, causing Dave to lean in slightly to see her expression clearly.

"What promise?" he inquired.

"During intimate moments, you promise me things that you haven't fulfilled."

"Please help me out, I can't remember. How can I recall when I am being carried away by your touch and sexual moves?" He attempted to smile, but Gwen frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"I need a car," she stated.

"A car? We have several cars in the compound. I've told you to choose any of them. Wait!" Dave straightened up and observed Gwen's face. "Is that why you didn't go to work today?" Gwen remained silent, avoiding eye contact. Dave sat closer to her, trying to comfort her with his hands. He added, "I told you to pick whichever car you want."

"I don't want any of those cars. I want the car Amber took away." Gwen stole a glance at Dave.

"Will that make you happy?" He felt a sense of relief, and Gwen looked at him, still feeling sad. She nodded and pressed her lips together.

"That's not a problem..."

"I also want to change all my clothes. I don't want to wear my old clothes in this house. Plus, the arrangement of this house was Amber's idea, so her presence is everywhere. I've removed all her pictures, but I'm still not satisfied," Gwen stood up angrily, wanting to walk away from Dave. However, Dave held her right hand and pulled her back, preventing her from leaving.

"Wait! Wait!" He took a deep breath, and Gwen waited. "I promise to fulfill all your needs. As for the house, I'll buy a bigger one once I have full control of my company. The Morgan Corporation hasn't given me complete authority yet. There's a certain amount of cash I can approve. And about shopping for your clothes, this weekend, we'll go shopping..."

"What about the car?" Gwen interrupted.

"That's what I was about to mention. You want the car that Amber took away?"


"Let me grab my phone. Please have a seat."

Reluctantly, Gwen sat down and watched as Dave took out his phone and dialed Amber's number. The phone kept ringing, but Amber refused to answer until it eventually ended.

"This damn woman won't pick up my call..."

"Try calling her again. Maybe she wasn't near her phone."

Dave dialed the number once more, and this time, Amber answered.

"Hello, Amber. I'm reaching out to you this evening because you took something from my house that doesn't belong to you."

"Something that doesn't belong to me? I never took anything that belongs to you. It was you who threw away my things. When did I take it?" Amber asked, her voice filled with wonder.

"Really? Let me remind you. My car."

"The car? The one you gave me as a gift on our first wedding anniversary?" Amber's voice grew angry while Dave replied calmly and said,

"I'm glad you remember it clearly. I need it, and I need it now. We're no longer married."

"Now? Currently, I use the car to take my grandmother to the hospital for her medication. She had surgery about five days ago..."

"What's that got to do with me?" Dave raised his voice. "How does my car connect to your grandmother? I'm talking about my car, and you're talking about your grandmother. All I want to know is when I can come and take my car. The love of my life wants it." There was silence from Amber's end, and Gwen asked.

"What's she saying? If you leave that car with her, it means you still have feelings for her."

"Hello...!" Dave said, and Amber ended the call. "Can you believe it? She hung up," he looked at Gwen, and she folded her arms, frowning.

"Call her. I need that car to go to work tomorrow morning," Gwen demanded. Dave dialed Amber's number again and when she picked up, he spoke hastily.

"I'm coming to your grandmother's house tomorrow morning to pick up my car," and he ended the call.


Amber’s pov

"Who's on the phone with you?" my grandmother asked. I was sitting on her bed in her room when she entered in the middle of the call. It was our first day back home after her surgery, and she had been recovering well after five days. How long could I keep lying to her? Telling her the truth now, while she was still fragile, might shatter her psychologically. Even when she saw me crying at the hospital by her bedside, I didn't reveal that Dave had divorced me. Instead, I told her we were having some disagreements.

"Amber! Who was that?" she asked again. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. It was... Dave."

"Your husband?" she asked. I didn't want to acknowledge that Dave was still my husband, and now was the perfect opportunity to change the subject. I was formulating the right words in my mind.

"Dave mentioned that his car has a problem, and he wants to come and take my car tomorrow morning."

"I thought you said you and your husband had regained your possessions. As far as I know, he has more than two cars."

"Grandma, you wouldn't understand."

"Then Dave will be the one to take me to the hospital tomorrow morning for my appointment."

When my grandma uttered those words, I didn't know how to respond. My heart raced uncontrollably, and I swiftly got up and left her room, pretending everything was fine. In the living room, I slowly reclined on the long chair, placing my right hand on my forehead. What would tomorrow morning bring? Wasn't it time to tell my grandma? But wouldn't it raise her blood pressure?

She was my sole source of happiness. Dave and Gwen wanted to humiliate me. What should I do?

I sat up, clasping my hands and resting my head on them as I gazed at the floor. Then, out of nowhere, a captivating thought emerged. I stood up and smiled to myself. Should I do it? Hmm... There's no harm in trying. I turned around to check if I had my phone, but I had left it in my grandma's room. I went back, retrieved it, and returned to the sitting room. As I was about to dial the number I had in mind, my heart raced as if what I was about to do wasn't entirely ethical. I tapped my thumbs together, finally making up my mind, and dialed Mr. Morgan's phone number. His last gesture towards me had a fatherly nature, and I was counting on that.

"Hello, Miss Amber Desmond. How are you doing?" he greeted.

"Sir, I'm doing well, and I called for something very important."

"I've told you that you're welcome at my house any time of the day. Why don't you come over? I'm at home."

"Alright, sir. I'll be there in no time."

"I'll be expecting you."

After the call, I hurried to my grandma's room.

"Grandma, I need to go somewhere," I told her, rushing out of the house. I took a cab and headed straight to Mr. Morgan's residence.

It took around thirty minutes to reach, and as I looked up at the grand mansion, my chest swelled with anticipation. I had never done something like this before, but Dave had pushed me to my limits. A few minutes later, I stood before Mr. Morgan.

"Amber," he embraced me warmly. "What can I do for you?"

"I came to ask for a favor. My grandma is sick, and my car is experiencing mechanical issues... and..." I stammered, finding it difficult to say the words out loud.

"Do you need a car?" he asked.

"Yes," I slowly replied.

"Is that what's difficult for you to say? You're like a daughter to me. Ever since I first saw you, I've had a deep fondness for you." He turned and called one of his men.

"Ben, take Amber to the car garage. Let her choose a car of her liking."

I couldn't believe it, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I hugged Mr. Morgan, overwhelmed by his generosity. Somehow, I felt an inexplicable connection with this man. It was evident to me that if my relationship with his son was anything like my relationship with him, it would be smooth and perfect. If his father could be so kind and open with me, then his son would be even more accommodating, and we both falling in love would be easy.

I followed Ben to the garage, where I saw a collection of brand-new cars, all more expensive than the one Dave would be taking from me the next day. With great delight, I drove the car home and parked it next to Dave's car, noting the stark differences between them.

The next day, as the sun began to rise, Dave called my phone, and I was thrilled to pick up the call.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" I said proudly. I guess he was shocked due to the fact that he didn’t reply to me on time.

"Gwen and I are leaving the house to come and collect my car."

"Please be quick; your car is occupying too much space in my garage," I chuckled and waited for Dave to end the call.

"Why is she laughing?" I overheard Gwen whispering to Dave in the background. There was nothing more satisfying for me than to subtly intimidate them with my new car.

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