
Should I tell my grandma?

Amber’s pov

  Before me lay a document offering a staggering sum of ten million dollars, requiring only my signature, and a task to make a man I hadn't even met fall in love with me. What should I do? Could Mr. Morgan be mistaking me for someone else? Am I about to impersonate someone? I came here to sell my pearls, but what lies before me is far grander than anything I had envisioned. My mind suddenly turned into a dart game, flashing countless images of what could happen to me and what that money could bring.

  "The most gorgeous lady I have set my eyes on," he interrupted my thoughts and added, "I'm still waiting."

  "If you love your grandma, then do it." This thought sprang into my mind, and I promptly took the pen from him and prepared to sign the agreement. However, Mr. Morgan interjected,

  "Shouldn't you review the terms and conditions of what you are about to sign?"

  "Sir, I have made up my mind," I replied, simultaneously signing the two documents. I filled in my name, phone number, and when it came to the address, I initially hesitated until I quickly recalled my grandma's home address. That became the only address I could boost off.

  Mr. Morgan smiled with delight as I used my left hand to jot down the necessary details on the forms. Perhaps it was my left-handedness that amused him, or maybe he saw me as a potential match for his son. He took one copy and offered me a handshake.

  "My son will be thrilled to meet you, Amber Desmond," he said, handing me the cheque. My eyes nearly popped out at the sight of a pre-signed ten million dollar cheque. Could this be a dream? Just a few hours ago, I had sworn off falling in love, and now I was being paid to make someone fall in love with me. It's a crazy world. Sacrificing my vow seemed like a small price to pay to relieve my grandma's suffering.

  "Do you need more wine?" he asked, noticing my glass was less than half full. It was then that an instinctive thought surged through my mind.

  "Leave this place immediately! Get out now!"

Why this sudden warning? My palms grew sweaty, and I could feel my breath quickening.

  "Are you the actual lady? What if the real lady arrives right now? Mr. Morgan could take back the cheque, and I could be arrested for impersonation. My instincts were right; I need to leave right away."

  "Sir, I'd like to take my leave..." I stood up.

  "So soon? This place has become your home. You're welcome here any time of the day. I wish my wife were here; she's on vacation. When she returns, she'll be delighted to meet you." He stood up and embraced me. Despite being in his late fifties, he was remarkably handsome. If this man is so attractive, I can only imagine what his son will look like.

  "The address of my son's house will be sent to you tomorrow. I have a feeling that the two of you will make a splendid couple."

  As we pulled away from each other, a wave of discomfort washed over me, leaving my mind in turmoil. I felt caught between joy and sorrow. Settling my grandmother's hospital bills brought me joy, but staying here for a few more minutes and facing the actual person would bring sorrow. 

  I turned, took my bag and walked towards the exit door. As I was going, I could sense Mr. Morgan's gaze fixed upon me. It seemed as if I were a prized accomplishment for his yet-to-be-met son. When I finally closed the main door, cutting off his sight, I experienced a sense of freedom, but not complete liberation. I needed to get this money out of here before any misunderstandings arose. My heart raced, and it felt as if I were pilfering a treasure, all for the sake of my grandmother's life. If I couldn't pay the hospital bill, she might assume I deliberately neglected her, knowing well that I had a significant inheritance to rely on for such expenses. As I approached the main gate, ready to head straight to my car, I noticed someone running towards me from behind, trying to catch up before I crossed the gate.

  "Ma'am, my boss wants to speak with you again. He just received a call," the person said, sending shivers down my spine. An immediate thought urged me to sprint towards my car and drive away. But how could I escape the towering security guard standing nearby? That would make the situation worse. Had they informed him over the phone that the lady was no longer coming? What have I gotten myself into? From the beginning, I should have declared that I wasn't the intended lady, sold my pearls, and left in peace. Engaging in this deceitful act, how could he possibly believe me and repurchase my pearls?

  "Ma, my boss is waiting," the guard interrupted my thoughts, and I started having the feeling that going back inside wouldn't end well. There was only one way out—I had forgotten that one of the security personnel would also activate the electronic gate to open. I had no choice but to follow him. I turned around, and we retraced our steps. As we approached the sitting room I had just left, I found it increasingly difficult to move forward, as fear of the unknown tugged at me.

  The guard opened the door, and I entered. The first thing i did was to look at Mr Morgan’s facial expression and that was when he said,

  "Miss Amber, this is a crucial reminder. My son will be attending a coronation on my behalf, and I don't want him to go alone. You must find your place in his life. There will be a special benefit for you if you can make it with him on occasion."

  Those words eased my frayed nerves, as I had imagined the worst. I smiled, took a deep breath in silence. Then, the reality of what I had just signed sank in. Wouldn't I appear trapped in this agreement? Who would stay with my grandmother at the hospital? How could I explain this love project to her? She didn't even know that Dave and I had recently divorced.

  "Sir, I have a request," I said, lowering my voice with so much humility and gesture.

  "What is it? Feel free to speak, as long as it doesn't contradict what you've already agreed to," he replied.

  "I would like to have seven days to myself before going to your son's house. I need time to prepare my mind, body, and soul before meeting him."

  "Seven days?" he questioned.

  "Yes, please. Can you grant me that?" I pleaded with the tone of my voice. He smiled, exuding a fatherly aura that put me at ease.

  “Yes, you can.”

Then a sudden sense of urgency washed over me after his reply, and I started feeling that my delay would have a significant negative impact on my grandmother.

  "Please, I need to go. I'll be expecting your son’s address."

Upon reaching my car, I drove straight to the hospital. On my way, I called my grandma.

  "Please, grandma," I pleaded, speeding down the road with my phone on speaker, both hands firmly gripping the steering wheel.

  "Give the phone to the doctor in charge of you..." There was a brief pause from my grandma, and I could hear background noise. After a few seconds, a male voice came on the line.


  "I'm Amber, her granddaughter. Please transfer my grandmother to the special intensive care unit of the hospital," I interrupted him.

  "The intensive care unit?"

  "Yes, absolutely!" I replied with unwavering confidence, fueled by the ten-million-dollar check within my reach.

  "But that would double the medical bill we initially provided."

  "I don't care. I have the money, and I want the best healthcare for my grandmother. Proceed with the operation immediately. Her well-being is my priority."

  It took me around thirty minutes to reach the hospital, during which I hurriedly cashed the check I received from Morgan, one of the country's wealthiest men.

  When I got to the hospital, the first thing I did was settle all the medical bills and even made an advance deposit for her care. However, by the time I reached her, the doctors had already completed the operation. I took a seat near her bed, waiting anxiously for her to wake up. It was during this time that I began to reflect on what I had agreed to.

  What kind of person is Morgan's son? Will he treat me kindly? Why is it his father's responsibility to find a partner for him? Is he a womanizer? Would he label me a gold digger? After what Dave did to me, can I truly give my heart to another man?

  The sound of my grandmother coughing not only made me raise my head, but it also pulled me away from my anxious thoughts.

  "Grandma," I stood up and lovingly held her right hand. "I'm so glad you made it." I kissed her forehead. She waited for a while and our eyes were on each other as she tried to gain some strength and she said,

  "Thank you so much Amber. I'm surprised you had me moved to the intensive care unit. This is a section for millionaires and billionaires. Why did you make such a decision? I don't want to burden you with debt for so long. The doctor mentioned it would be double the amount I was initially told. Oh, I forgot. You mentioned when you were at my house that you were rushing to meet your husband. He's such a dear for doing this for you and I. Where is he? Let me thank him."

  Out of nowhere, tears welled up in my eyes. My grandmother's words reminded me of what Dave had done to me and my inheritance.

  "Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? I just want to express my gratitude to him," my grandmother said, her confusion growing as my tears continued to flow. How could I explain this? Dave humiliated me in front of my closest friend. Should I confide in my grandmother, revealing what happened to my inheritance and what I had agreed to?


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