
Chapter Ninety Three

Conri and Laszlo stood outside the small cave, 'We must not rush in, she is not expecting us, if we startle her she could kill us.' Conri cautioned and Laszlo grinned, 'She has not seen me since I was a newborn brother she will not recognise me.' The older boy chuckled, 'Do not underestimate her Laszlo.' He moved towards the entrance keeping his younger brother behind him their eyes quickly adjusting to the dim light inside, 'So that is where the colour of my Wolf comes from.' Laszlo gasped in surprise and staggered back when the huge silver Wolf leapt to her feet and growled deeply in her chest advancing towards them with teeth bared, 'Mama, Mama, no do not attack us, use your other senses you know who we are.' Katya froze and lifted her head scenting the air then she shifted accepting the robe Conri had brought for her, he had known she would be in Wolf form, 'Conri?' Her gaze moved to the other young man so like his older brother there could be no denying who he was, 'Laszlo?' She
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