
How to Make it Better


Evie moved her head away from my chest and rested it on the pillow. I turned to my side to face her.

“I think your first question is to ask yourself what you want,” she said. “Like really want.”

“I want to fix the mess I made with Charlie.”

“And to do that, you need to send work his way, right?”


“I’m not entirely sure how your business works, but the designs you have sold. Won’t they speak for themselves? Don’t companies always need new ships?”

I offered her a small smile. “Not when they are built right the first time. This new idea I had was more of a retrofit. I designed it with the idea of existing ships being fixed. It would save a fortune on future repairs and would be a hell of a lot cheaper than building a whole new ship.”

“It certainly sounds like it would be a good investment for those shipping magnates.”

“Yes, but now that my idea has been making the rounds, it isn’t going to be long before some other dude figures it out and puts it on the market.”

She looked i
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