
The Weird Part


It was beyond strange to wake up with a woman in my bed. I had lain awake for several minutes trying to process everything. Evie in my bed, in my arms. It was not how I’d expected things to happen yesterday when she asked me to go to dinner with her and her father.

Her being in my arms was a little confusing. I wasn’t sure what to think of it. Or what to do about it. Did I have to do anything?

For now, I was going to be cool and casual. Just play it off like I did this kind of thing all the time. Or maybe that was the wrong approach. I didn’t want her to think I did this all the time. I didn’t. Not even close.

That was not the right approach. I would just go with whatever she did.

She sighed and stirred against me. “Ugh, what time is it?” she asked in a sleepy voice.

I looked over at the clock. “Just after eight.”

She let out a long breath again. “I should get up.”

I didn’t disagree. Lying in bed naked was only going to lead us to another sex marathon. “I’ll make some coffee.”

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