
48. Nice Save, Partner

Rima’s POV

Day three of Jacob's reign of terror had dawned.

I found myself becoming increasingly adept at juggling his outlandish demands and labyrinthine tasks. Even the most minor of typing errors didn't escape his eagle eyes. His relentless, stern demeanor was a constant, like a storm cloud perpetually hanging overhead. I, for my part, strived to shield my annoyance, putting on a façade of acceptance — an implicit agreement to the way he chose to treat an assistant.

However, I couldn't shake off Lucas's advice, a seed planted in the back of my mind. How much longer could I suppress the urge to show Mr. Snow a different side of me? My patience was wearing thin, much like the waning day, and anticipation for Lucas's surprise visit added to my restlessness.

A flurry of questions stormed my mind. How would Jacob react to the surprise? Would he agree to accompany Lucas? What would his response be upon discovering I'd kept my knowledge of

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Okay ! Fine you win 🥹 hahahaha you know I’m a sucker for romance ...... but I will trust the process… lol
goodnovel comment avatar
The Black Daisy
Oh a lot will happen ;) some fights, some fun, and some surprises.. but I'm keeping the romance a bit further into the story, trust the process my fav fan <3
goodnovel comment avatar
Well hopefully something between these two actually happens during this trip.

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