
57. Who Is She Exactly?

Rima’s POV

The family reappeared in the room carrying a multitude of colorful gift bags and boxes. A renewed sense of anticipation filled the room as they handed their presents to Diana one by one.

Alex and Jenny were the first to present their gift. They handed Diana a delicately wrapped box. As she opened it, a sparkle caught the light. It was a lovely silver bracelet, its elegance reflecting Diana's own gracefulness. It was simple, yet sophisticated, a perfect match for Diana's style.

Next came Lucas and Angelina. They handed over a larger box, beautifully wrapped and adorned with a ribbon. As Diana opened it, her eyes lit up. Inside was a leather-bound journal, its pages empty and waiting for her wisdom and thoughts. Knowing Diana's love for writing, it was a thoughtful and fitting gift.

April and David were next. They presented her with a smaller box. Inside was a beautiful pair of pearl earrings. The pearls were a soft, warm color, gleaming su

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
I just love Alex’s character ......

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