
59. Your Brother was Right

Rima’s POV

The room shifted, two additional figures materializing next to Alex. Suddenly, I was the center of attention, their eyes all fixed on me. It felt as though I was sinking, drowning in a sea of embarrassment. The position I'd been caught in was far from ideal.

Lucas was the first to break the silence, a playful lilt in his voice that seemed entirely out of place given the tension "Well, isn't this interesting" he mused, a smirk playing on his lips "Just how long were you here, darling? Just so we are all on the same page about how much of our little chat you overheard"

His casual demeanor was a stark contrast to the icy glare Alex continued to bore into me. And Jacob, he was still silent, his expression one of surprise. A wariness had crept into his eyes, as though he was rapidly calculating the potential fallout of my unexpected eavesdropping.

I couldn't fault Alex for his reaction, his anger was justified. It was a private conversation, o

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