
Fifty Eight


Golden Hospital, New York.

"The victim was pronounced dead due to suffocation and heart failure."

Nicholas was now staring at the body, which was almost completely covered by the white cloth in front of him, in distress. The forensic doctor had performed the autopsy and explained all the results to Noel before he arrived.

"Could she have suffocated to death?"

And Noel nodded. "The doctor suspects that the perpetrator may have strangled the victim using something elastic with great force," he added. "The ligature marks on her neck also suggest that she was strangled repeatedly until all her organs stopped functioning and she eventually suffered heart failure."

Noel's statement made Nicholas shake his head. "The criminal didn't just want to see the victim die, he wanted more." His bright brown eyes looked at Noel straight on. "He wants to see his victims suffer before they die."

Suddenly, Noel shuddered in horror. "Those words sound even more horrifying when you say them, detective."

Then Nicholas muttered something short. "You said he was probably strangled with something elastic. What do you think the perpetrator used?"

"I think the only elastic material I can think of is a stocking, Detective."


But Noel smiled awkwardly instead. "Sorry to disappoint you, Detective. But I guess I miss my boyfriend a lot and what I remember most about him is that he always wore those stockings," he said shyly.

"No, no," Nicholas interrupted, holding the conversation. Then, those bright brown irises looked back at their victim once more. "Maybe you're right this time, Noel." He leaned closer and took one more look at the blue line that was clearly coiled around the victim's neck. "Have you checked the victim's personal data and criminal record?"

Again, Noel had to open her small journal kept in her pants pocket to answer her superior's question. "The victim's name is Natalie Heele, age twenty-seven, she only lives with her mother in the 1st Avenue neighborhood of Manhattan. Before working as a broadway actress at the Town Square Theater, she worked as a nurse at Golden Hospital." Noel paused her breathing to turn the next page. "According to police records, the victim did not have any problems and was legally enrolled in American citizenship."

"She was a nurse?" Nicholas squinted suspiciously at the victim's closed eyes. "Those two professions are completely opposite. What's wrong with her?"

Then Nicholas turned away and looked at Noel who was standing across from him seriously. "What about the witnesses I asked for?" Nicholas asked.

"All the theater members who signed up for next week's concert have been gathered at the police station. Shall we meet them now?"

And Nicholas immediately nodded without hesitation. "Good idea."


The New York City police station is synonymous with its officers who are dexterous, disciplined and firm. But apparently, the people who were used as witnesses in this case had lost their patience.

They continued to grumble, babble and shout in annoyance that the investigation had not started even though it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, an hour before their regular performance at the theater center.

Then the figure of Nicholas appeared there and the noisy mouths suddenly fell silent. The dark-brown haired detective's charm was able to melt the heated atmosphere that had been going on since noon.

"Sorry to keep you waiting so long," Nicholas said loudly. He stood between the five witnesses with full authority. "Let's start the investigation now."

And Noel reacted swiftly. He called out the name of a witness and asked him to enter Nicholas' room, while the rest were asked to wait outside.

Now, there was only Nicholas and a witness named Julia. "What took you so long, Detective? You know we have to get ready, right?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "So, hurry up with your questions and I can get back to the theater center," he ordered gruffly.

But Nicholas snorted in displeasure. "Impatient people like you must have killed someone out there," he said sarcastically.

The girl's blue eyes rolled lazily. "If you're accusing me of killing Natalie, you're dead wrong. Because I was the one who helped Natalie qualify for the initial selection of such a big musical concert," she said arrogantly. "Besides, I had nothing to do with her. We took different roles in the stage selection."

"What do you mean?"

Julia just gave a short snort and looked at the young detective coldly. "Do you see me as a feminine girl who is kind and will help you like an angel? Do I really look like that, detective?"

That's right. Julia, or the first witness Nicholas had examined, did indeed look imperious and haughty. That girl would be more suited to play an antagonist in a drama.

"So, when was the last time you spoke to Natalie? You seem to be close," Nicholas guessed.

"Our relationship is limited to the stage. She gave me a lot of money to get her through the musical," Julia said casually. "There's no way I'm turning him down, is there?"

Nicholas suddenly shot the twenty-two-year-old girl a horrified look. "Besides being cold-hearted, you're also materialistic," he said. To which Julia replied with a short snort.

"Can I go out now?"

"Yes, you'd better get out before you empty my wallet," Nicholas shooed her away. And the girl seemed happy to leave the room. She even waved and flicked her hair arrogantly before closing the door.

Next, Noel called a twenty-seven-year-old man named Pete to enter Julia's place. The glasses-wearing man was immediately invited to sit in front of Nicholas now.

"Are you performing tonight too?" asked Nicholas.

Pete adjusted the position of his glasses and looked at the detective nervously. "I--yes, I--I'll be there," he said with difficulty. Being interrogated in front of a detective was new to him and Pete really couldn't mask his nervousness now.

"Pete, calm down. I'm just going to give you a few questions and you just need to answer them honestly. Understood?"

Pete nodded, though his knees were shaking now. Even if he was honest, the man in the red shirt wanted to go to the bathroom to relieve himself. "Ba-okay, alright, Detective."

"Is it true that Natalie left to rest?"

And Pete nodded. "She said she was going to get sushi. She loves eating it so much that she goes to get sushi four times a week," he said.

Nicholas then recorded Pete's information in his report book. "Does Natalie wear stockings often?" he asked again.

"What? Stockings?" Pete mumbled under his breath while his forehead creased deeply. He seemed to be recalling something. "I think that night... yes, Natalie was wearing stockings. But it was a bit strange because she doesn't usually wear that sort of thing."

Nicholas raised one eyebrow. "So, you're saying she only wore stockings that day?"

Then Pete nodded quickly. "I just realized it now."

Nicholas' eyes looked straight at Pete. Trying to find any hint of a lie that might be implied there. But to no avail. Pete seemed to be honest about the stocking.

"Did Natalie play a character that required her to wear stockings?" Nicholas asked again.

"No, detective." Pete then cleared his throat. "Can I go back to the theater center now?"

"Oh, sure." Nicholas got up, thanked the bespectacled man and let him leave the room.

Afterward, he sat back down and let out a long sigh. The investigation of this case only made his head spin. There was no evidence, no CCTV, not even fingerprints left on the victim's body. How could this be?

Feeling out of patience, Nicholas reached for his cell phone in his pants pocket and dialed someone's number. He needed that person's help now and couldn't deny it.

"Hello, Alicia?"

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