
Ninety Six


Brittany was checking her phone to upload some pictures of her graduation on F******k and I*******m, when suddenly Kevin got into the car and sat behind the steering wheel.

"Oh my God, you scared me!"

Brittany's loud voice made Kevin angry. He turned his head and frowned, glaring at Brittany. "You shouldn't talk that loud, Britt!"

This was the first time Kevin had raised his voice in front of Brittany. And it took the blonde girl by surprise. Brittany had already booked a makeup artist for her special day. In secret, not only did Brittany want to look beautiful in her graduation toga, but she also wanted to please Kevin because it was his birthday.

He was twenty-one years old now. He took accelerated classes in high school, and his achievements during his time at university made everyone proud. Especially Brittany. She was fascinated by Kevin's intelligence in science. Kevin was good at a lot of things related to chemistry and science. And Brittany felt that she would be better off with Kevin than with Luke, who was still like a child.

Luke is a jokester, while Kevin is a mature young man who is good at planning for the future.

But all the good images of Kevin that Brittany had been proud of suddenly disappeared. Brittany was still watching Kevin, as he sat and stared ahead. The car's engine hadn't started yet, but his hands were already on the steering wheel.

Until this moment, Brittany had not dared to comment. This was the first time she had been yelled at like that by Kevin. And the 'perfect man' image that Kevin had attached to her suddenly dropped to eighty percent.

It was only after a few minutes of silence that Kevin let out a long sigh and turned to Brittany. He smiled a little and put his arm around his girlfriend without prompting. "I'm sorry, Brittany. I made the mistake of speaking harshly to you," he said softly. It was a stark contrast to Kevin's demeanor a few minutes ago. Kevin was back, but Brittany wasn't about to up the ante for her boyfriend. "I promise I won't do it again. OK?"

"All right. I forgive you."

Kevin smiled at that, but Brittany was secretly trying to figure out why Kevin was being rude.

Since this was the first time, and... everything happened after Kevin met Alicia. Were they related?

Kevin's one hand moved to clasp Brittany's like any other day. He was such a romantic guy. His love language would intoxicate anyone who became his lover. Kevin was good at talking, stringing together romantic words, making Brittany feel comfortable with all the sweet promises. He's also good at being romantic, being a provider, making sure that everything Brittany needs is taken care of. So, how could Brittany resist all that sweet treatment from the man named Kevin Xanders?

"We're here, baby!"

After a thirty-minute drive, the car driven by Kevin arrived at Fine Steak, in the city center. They have the best steak menu with a variety of sauces for customers to choose from. From mushroom, barbeque, to blackpepper sauce. In addition to the wide variety of sauces, Fine Steak also offers a variety of steaks with delicious authentic flavors.

Once again, Kevin managed to please Brittany. He got out of the car, ran around to reach Brittany's door and opened it like a royal princess. Kevin took a step back while holding the car door with one hand, "Please, Princess."

The smile on Brittany's lips returned. Kevin's attitude was still much better than Luke's. Brittany and Luke's relationship only ended as close friends because Luke never expressed his feelings. The kiss between them meant nothing. And Brittany chose to open her heart to someone else.

"Thank you," Brittany said as she got out of the car.

After taking off their graduation outfits, Kevin now looked dignified in a long gray shirt and black trousers. Meanwhile, Brittany, who rolled up her blonde hair, looked beautiful in a gray dress that matched Kevin. They are indeed a lovely couple.

Everyone must agree with that opinion. Kevin and Brittany have also been the best couple in the annual prom held by the university before the graduation ceremony. So, the chemistry between the two of them could not be doubted.

"What do you want to order, honey?"

Brittany looked around. It was just her and Kevin. Where had everyone else gone? Didn't Kevin say that he was going to invite some friends over to celebrate his birthday?

And Kevin noticed the confusion on Brittany's face as quickly as he closed the menu book on the table. "What's wrong, Britt?"

Hearing Kevin's voice made Brittany turn her head. "You said you were going to invite your friends over to celebrate. Where are they all, Kevin?"

Kevin shrugged. He didn't seem to care. "I thought there was another problem, but you're worrying about something that doesn't matter." Brittany frowned deeply. Kevin looked very relaxed, reopening the menu book that he had closed on the table. "Stop thinking about unnecessary things from now on. I don't like overthinking people."

"Since when do you dislike overthinking people?"

The man sitting across from Kevin looked at Brittany straight on. His gaze was deep and intimidating. "Since today. Do you understand?"

The atmosphere between the two of them changed instantly. It was the same feeling Brittany had in the car earlier. Kevin locked his mouth as if he was a different man. The man who loved to talk was now someone else. His demeanor was cold as ice. What had really happened to Kevin?

And Brittany couldn't hold back from asking.

"What's going on, Kevin? You're acting weird today."

"You think that? Didn't I just tell you not to overthink things, Brittany?"

Alicia was cooking pasta in her kitchen when the sound of the phone caught her attention. The girl quickly finished the activity, and poured the pasta into a plate that she placed on the table. After putting the pot in the sink, Alicia poured the bolognaise sauce over the pasta as quickly as possible and ran to her cell phone.

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