
One Hundred and Fourteen


Seeing Nicholas' worrying condition, Alan took the initiative to help them both on the way. Nicholas' father drove the car, while Alicia and Nicholas sat in the passenger seat.

Brittany had sent an address, right where she and Kevin had gotten into a bad accident. He looked in bad shape and that worried Alicia.

They arrived at the location after a fifteen-minute drive. They drove at high speed to get to Brittany's place and once they arrived, Alicia and Nicholas immediately got off to check on her.

Alicia looked around, and the paramedics that Brittany had mentioned were nowhere to be seen. There was only a damaged car that had hit a tree on the side of the road. It was a single accident!

As Alicia rushed towards the wreckage of the car, her heart raced. The car was eerily silent, the crumpled metal a clear testament to the impact. She called out to Brittany, her voice trembling with fear. Nicholas, despite his weakened state, rushed after her.

"Brittany! Brittany!"

"Over here!" Nicholas pointed, and Alicia's eyes followed his trembling finger. Brittany lay slumped against the steering wheel, blood dripping down her forehead. Without thinking, Alicia rushed to her side, checking her pulse. Relief washed over her as she felt a faint but steady beat on Brittany's wrist.

"Brittany, are you okay?" Alicia tried to wake Brittany up, she was still conscious but too weak to fight back.

Brittany's head was covered in blood. She was badly injured.

"Call an ambulance!" Alicia shouted, her urgency breaking the tense silence. She held Brittany's head gently, murmuring reassurances while Nicholas fumbled with his cell phone, dialing emergency services.

"Britt, hang on. The paramedics are coming."

Brittany's hand suddenly lifted, she held Alicia's hand and looked at Alicia's face straight on. There was something she wanted to say.

Meanwhile, Alan approached cautiously, surveying the scene with furrowed brows. His years of military training came into play as he scanned for signs of danger or further trouble. Suddenly, he saw a flash in the nearby bushes, something shiny like metal catching the fading light.

"Wait," Alan called out, his voice low but firm. He approached the bushes and, with a quick movement, revealed a hidden figure cradling a sprained ankle. It was Kevin, Brittany's fiancé. He had been thrown from the car during the collision and dragged himself to safety, away from the accident.

"There's someone else here!" Alan shouted and made Nicholas rush over to check.

As the ambulance sirens grew louder in the distance, Alan signaled for help, and together they carefully carried Kevin out of the bushes. With a sense of relief and urgency, they tried to stabilize Kevin until the paramedics arrived.

Judging from his condition, Kevin looked much better when compared to Brittany who had almost lost consciousness. Alicia observed Kevin, the man Brittany called 'boyfriend', who didn't seem to care about the dying Brittany. And Alicia felt suspicious. Kevin must be covering something up here.

As the paramedics arrived and treated Brittany, Nicholas couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. The scene made no sense. Kevin's composure seemed too calm, too detached from the chaos around him.

Alicia's suspicions grew as she observed Kevin's seemingly calm demeanor, a stark contrast to Brittany's desperate plight.

Nicholas hovered nearby, his eyes glancing at the trio, sensing the tension. "Something's not right," he muttered to Alicia, who nodded in agreement.

Amidst the frantic activity, Alicia decided to investigate further. She approached Kevin, feigning concern. "Are you okay? You look very calm after what just happened."

Before Kevin could answer, the wailing of an ambulance siren interrupted their conversation.

Nicholas then shouted, "Save the girl in the car first!"

But suddenly Kevin held Nicholas' hand, making NIcholas turn his head quickly. He looked at Kevin with a curious expression. And it seemed that Kevin couldn't help but let out the words that were stuck in his chest. "Allow me to enter first, sir!"

Nicholas' eyebrows knitted together. "What? What are you-"

"Let the ambulance take me in first."

Kevin's voice was heard by Alicia, who was still trying to secure Brittany in the car. Alicia couldn't understand. How could Kevin let Brittany, who was already dying, go last and Kevin wanted to take first place? Alicia was furious and approached Kevin. She stared at Kevin who was now holding Nicholas' hand, looking at him expectantly and half forcefully.

"You didn't see Brittany's condition, hm?" Alicia raised her voice as the paramedics got out of the ambulance and watched the two of them. "She's dying in there and you can still concern yourself with her! You're so selfish. She could have died because of your attitude, you asshole!"

The tension mounted as Alicia confronted Kevin, her words sharp and full of anger and despair. Nicholas watched, torn between the unfolding drama and the urgency of the situation.

"Selfish?" Kevin's voice was very calm, his eyes fixed on Alicia's, trying to convey something she couldn't understand. "There's more to it than you know."

Alicia's frustration peaked. "Enough with the riddles! Brittany needs help, now!"

Nicholas intervened, his tone authoritative yet tinged with curiosity. "Kevin, explain yourself."

Kevin hesitated, glancing toward the ambulance where Brittany lay unconscious. "There's a reason, I can help her better if I get there first. Trust me."

Alicia's disbelief turned into confusion and doubt. "What are you talking about? You're not making any sense!"

The paramedics, who were now on the scene, became agitated, listening to the tense conversation while preparing their equipment.

Nicholas, ever perceptive, glanced from Kevin to Alicia, putting the pieces of the puzzle together. "Is there something you're not telling us, Kevin?"

Kevin's gaze softened, his resolve unwavering. "I have medical training. I can stabilize him until we get to the hospital. But I need to get there first."

Alicia's anger faltered, replaced by shock and a glimmer of understanding. The seriousness of Kevin's revelation hung in the air.

"No, save the girl in the car first!" commanded Alicia, to which Nicholas agreed.

Kevin's face was genuinely angry at Alicia, and in that moment Alicia finally knew that Kevin was hiding something from her.

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