

Angela’s POV

The tension inside the dining room intensified as the King and the Queen entered. Everyone was bowing their heads until the heads of the royal family sat down. “You can all be seated now.” The deep voice of the king echoed the room. Everyone took their seats without making any noise. 

“Where’s Prince Lucifer?” the Queen suddenly asked. “The prince went outside to answer an urgent call from his office, her majesty.” Princess Melody replied politely. Then the room was filled with silence once more. 

“Prince Cleoffe.” The prince lifted his chin up as soon as the king called his name. “H-His majesty?”

The king was sitting so straight at his chair while his hands are resting on the table. His lips didn’t form a smile but his eyes are glimmering with youthful joy. “What a good hair color we have there, huh?” everyone laughed because of what the king have said but then the laughter was put into a halt when the queen tapped the table with her b

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