
chapter 49


I woke up to red guilt ridden eyes staring down at me.

My heart squeeze seeing him look so distracted, I furrowed my brows in a frown and his lips curled into a small smile that made my heart melt.

"How are you feeling princess?" He reach my face and gave me a small kiss on my lips.

"You got me so worried honey" the endearing names made me choke with butterflies in my tummy.

Honey? That was new! It's made me felt so giddy inside.

"You can go freshen up then I get us something to eat, sounds good?"

I nodded my head feeling wasted on the inside as I climbed down the bed.

"I want us to talk about everything, I want to know everything" he blurted out and I stopped in my tracks.

My heart stop beating, I do not want him to know everything.

What if he start seeing me differently, what if he ends up seeing me like some dirty...

I guess he felt how I froze in my tracks and was unable to face him, he walked up to me and cupped my face in his hands.

"Hey, look at me baby" his deep voice
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