
Luna’s Resilience: From rejection to power
Luna’s Resilience: From rejection to power
Author: Opp

Chapter 1

I sneakily tried to scurry across the hallway praying to the heavens above I didn’t bump into anybody.

The hallway was bustling as everyone dashed around trying to make preparations for the mating ceremony taking place tomorrow. Although I was excited, someone like me couldn't hope for too much so I kept it to myself. Sighing I took deep breaths and quickened my steps.

Getting there, I scurried into the kitchen and drank from the faucet hungrily ignoring the dirty looks thrown my way. I was so dehydrated after working in the sun all day and I drank for a while before I was satisfied.

“The kitchen is no place for a mutt. I wonder why they even let her in here” some random pack member spat out and I ignored him like I always did.

Slipping two apples into my dress, I fetched some water with a jar hoping to drink it for the rest of the day so I would have no reason to leave my room x.

Turning around, I was so glad I could finally get something to eat. I held my breath in anticipation, and just as I thought I had gotten away with it, I slipped on the wet floor landing face front, shattering the jar of water I was holding. Groaning, I lifted my face and the sight of glossy well-polished heels came into my view. A familiar scent wafted into my nose just then.

“Oh no,” I whispered as dread washed over me and my heart thrummed so loudly, I could hear it in my ears.

I was so lost in thoughts that I neither noticed the caution sign placed in the hallway nor Laura who stood before me now with her two best friends Nara and Cassie behind her.

Slowly I looked up and my eyes met Laura’s piercing grey ones. She had pulled her hair back into a sleek ponytail and now, she was smiling down at me but I knew better. I knew I was doomed.

As I scrambled up, my body instinctively began to tremble. I had been put through so much in their hands that even their scents were enough to give me a panic attack.

“I-I-I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to… I…”

I was cut off by the sting of a harsh slap across my face. It stung badly and I saw stars flash across my eyes”.

“How dare you, you dirty mutt?” Nara scowled ki at me.

Tears quickly rushed to my eyes as I tried my very best to keep shut. If I so much as made a sound, I knew they would give me hell.

“Stand up,” she said to me and as I did, she landed another slap across my cheeks, the sheer force of which sent me crashing on the floor.

Everything went blank for a second and swallowing my tears, I could hear ringing in my ears.

Everyone had left the kitchen by now, gathering around to see how things would go.

No one ever pissed Laura. She was very vicious and everyone avoided getting in her bad books.

Trying to regain my bearings, I attempted getting back up but just then, I felt the sharp poke of heels on my skull. It was undoubtedly Laura’s and I knew she wanted me to stay put.

“Lick it” Her voice was smooth and her red lips pulled into a smirk as she brought her heels right in front of my face.

I swallowed, bringing my lips above her shoes. I knew there was no escape and I had to do it. Blinking back tears, I ran my tongue through the front of her heels where a few drops of water had splashed on them from my fall. They tasted of something metallic and tongue-numbing; Polish.

“Now aren’t you being such a good dog?” She smiled and her friends chuckled behind her.

Raising my head, I tried to get up and clean up the mess I made but then I realized Laura wasn’t done with me.

“Who said you could stand?” She sneered down at me.

“I-I’m sorry” I breathed.

“Good. A dog should never forget its place now, should it?” She let out a short laugh with her best friends.

Taking a glance at her watch, she huffed impatiently.

“Clean this mess up” she pointed down at me gesturing to the mess of broken shards of glass and water on the floor

As I was standing up to get cleaning supplies she stepped on my head again, the sharp poke of her stiletto heels pressing into my head more harshly than before.

“I just asked you to clean this mess up” she spat at me. I could feel her anger beginning to grow and I wished desperately that this would be over soon.

“I, I’m g-going to get some supplies”

The next thing I could register was excruciating pain in my face and the back of my head. She had smashed my face into the floor with her heels and I was sure my nose was fractured. I had only requested to get supplies to do what she asked so what was the issue now? But then again, you could never tell with Laura. The smallest things set her off.

“What would a dog need cleaning supplies for when it’s got its tongue?” She smirked wickedly.

Swallowing, I knew there was no way out of this. I was so shattered inside but then I had been put through worse. I blinked back my tears and accepted my fate. Sniffling, I slowly lowered my face closer to the floor and just then, there was a loud honk outside.

“Ugh, that’s Jamie” she muttered. “Run along now, I don’t wanna see your face for the rest of the day” she sneered.

Slowly I plucked myself from the ground and watched her strut away, her friends giggling as they followed her.

“Oh my gosh did you see the way she was licking the floor? She’s so disgusting” Cassie made a face and they laughed.

Everyone around paid a deaf ear and acted like nothing just happened.

Tears brimmed as I stood up and ran into the supplies room grabbing whatever I needed and cleaning up the mess frantically before they had a change of mind and came back.

I knew my face was badly bruised but it didn't matter and I ran into my room miserably. Slamming the door shut behind me, I slumped on my bed and broke down in tears.

It was moments like this that I missed my parents… Well, my adoptive parents. They found me as an infant at the border. My dad, Marcus was the gamma and had been on patrol when he heard the cries of a baby and being a kind man, decided to adopt me. His mate, my mum, Lucia had no problem with it especially as they didn't have kids of their own. The first nine years of my life were lovely and things couldn’t get any better. I had wonderful parents who loved me and gave me anything I wanted.

However, everything came crashing down when there was a rogue attack that targeted only my family, weirdly. Both my parents were murdered brutally. By the time the alpha and other pack warriors got to our home, it was too late.

I was found in a rather peculiar position. I’m a brunette with heterochromia; I have two different eye colors.

But that night, I was found golden-haired and my eyes glowed like embers.

“Yves… Yvesss” My name was the last thing I heard before the darkness engulfed me.

The Alpha brought me to the pack house after that incident and adopted me as his fourth child. I thought I'd get the same love and care I got from my parents but I was in for a rude surprise.

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