
Chapter 3

“Oh no,” I muttered, turning to flee.

“Over here mutt”.

Too late…She'd noticed me

I ran to her and she leaned forward scrutinizing me.

“ What’s going on? And why do you smell so strongly of Jake?”

“I-i I don't…I” I stuttered keeping my eyes down.

“Laura the Alpha requests you at his office right now”

It was Bernard again and although I didn't like him, I was very grateful for his interference this time.

“Ugh,” she grunted rolling her eyes.

Standing up, she came closer, looking down at me.

Laura was tall for a female. She was almost as tall as her brother but regardless, she loved wearing heels.

“This is not over Yves. You meet me after the ceremony and explain why you've been in Jake’s room for the past hour and why you smell so strongly of him” Eyeing me, she rolled her eyes again and walked away with Bernard behind her.

Thank goodness things didn’t escalate, I didn't want to imagine what Laura could have done to me today. Shaking off the thought of it, I made my way to my room and jumped on the bed giggling. Dreamily, I clutched my pillow to my chest.

I had found my mate and it was Jake. This was a dream come true! I soon began dreaming, imagining our future together.

I didn't know when I fell asleep and someone banging on the door woke me up.

Groggily, I opened the door to find a girl standing outside with a portable closet looking very irritated.

“Hi I'm Patricia and I've been assigned to prepare you for tonight” She regarded me scornfully with questions in her eyes.

“Hi, I'm sorry. I'll just take a quick shower.” I led her in making my way to the bathroom as I replied. I heard her mutter something about why she had to go through all this trouble for me and I just ignored her.

Tonight was going to be very special and I wouldn't let anyone ruin it for me. With that thought, I gingerly washed myself. When I was done, I wrapped myself In a towel and stepped out.

At the sight of me, she grumbled, annoyed. Ignoring her, I made my way to the dress on the bed marveling at it. It was a beautiful pine green dress made out of a material I could not identify. It looked like it had scales and it shimmered under the lights. The dress had a halter neck with the opening at the back stopping just above my lower waist and the front deepening to my chest.

It was a straight dress and although it was giving too much skin, it was very beautiful.

“Wow,” I whispered, captivated by the dress’ beauty.

Patricia impatiently shoved me into my chair and set to painting my face.

About thirty minutes passed and she was finally done with my makeup. She then took out a tool which she called a curling wand and curled my hair with it. I was anxious to see what I looked like now hoping she hadn't pulled a joke on me.

She didn't let me look in the mirror as she picked up the dress and shoved it on me wanting to be over and done with me as soon as possible.

Making my way to the bathroom again, I put on the dress. Marveling at the contrast of the dress against my skin, I stepped out of the bathroom and Patricia looked taken aback.

“Wow,” she breathed before regaining her composure and adding the finishing touches to my look.

She pulled out a pair of black glossy heels and helped me wear them. They weren't too high, just the perfect length I could manage. Although I staggered at first, I steadied myself and let her do her thing.

When she was done, she stepped back and assessed her work. Satisfied, Patricia went to pull her full mirror towards me.

When she finally did, I couldn't believe the person in the mirror staring back at me was myself. I looked so… different.

The dress clung to my body perfectly enhancing curves I didn't know I had. The color contrasted beautifully against my olive skin.

I was blown away by myself, I'd never thought I could look this pretty.

The makeup was very light, I didn't need much. She had used brown eyeshadow to create a smokey eye effect, complimenting my hazel-blue eyes, and had darkened my long lashes with mascara. My lips were lined and coated with glossy nude lipstick. My hair was curled and it hung down my back framing my face. Altogether, my makeup came together pretty well and I was thankful she hadn't tried to sabotage me.

Emotional, I turned to Patricia and hugged her. She was taken aback as she hadn't expected it.

“I-I'm sorry it's just that I'm so excited. Thank you” I pulled back and straightened my dress nervously.

“It's okay. You look… very beautiful” she complimented me. I smiled at her and she just looked away and started gathering everything she’d used on me.

Turning back to the mirror, I admired myself from all angles. The dress was even more beautiful at the back and the heels complimented it very nicely.

My mind soon began to drift to how the pack would receive the news of me being Jake’s mate. Could I handle it?

Taking a deep breath I tried shaking those thoughts off my mind, reassuring myself I could do this.

Letting Patricia lead me out, I glanced at the clock and saw it was 6:52. I was running late. Quickening my steps, the ceremony grounds soon came into view. It was the field behind the pack house but it looked different now. It was now nicely decorated with flowers and lights. The ancient totems had also been summoned to bear witness to the ceremony.

On seeing me, the Luna got up and approached me all eyes on us.

“Oh dear, I'd always known you were a beauty but tonight, you have surpassed all my expectations,” she cooed.

Immediately everyone began to whisper to themselves concentrating on me.

I wobbled, unable to handle being the focus of so many strong wolves.

Luna Beatrice stroked my back, nodding her head encouragingly. Focusing on her instead of the crowd, I let her lead me to the podium towards where the Alpha’s family was seated.

Her touch was cold and I shivered against the feeling of her hands on my back. Luna Beatrice was a gorgeous woman, smallish in size. Her beauty was entrancing and piercing. It was not hard to imagine where Laura got her looks from.

Soon enough, we got to the podium and I was led to sit beside Jake.

The crowd’s murmuring increased and I shrank further into my seat. I was scared of the crowd’s harshness so I just fiddled with my fingers not daring to look up.

Soon enough, it was time and the alpha rose to address the crowd

“Dear wolves of black waters pack, we have gathered once again under the full moon to observe the mating ceremony. Arise werewolves, beings of power, children of the moon goddess, ARISE!” the crowd erupted in cheers.

“Before we begin I have a very special announcement to make. I am glad to declare to you all present here today that my son Jake has found his mate!” The alpha’s voice boomed.

The announcement caused a stir in the crowd. The men cheered loudly and the females murmured with a few breaking into tears. They were heartbroken and I shrunk further into my seat, guilty.

“Quiet down everyone. Now Let the ceremony begin!”

Once again, the air was filled with cheers. Although the Alpha’s announcement had left most of the pack unhappy, today was special and all pack members had to be in high spirits.

“Before we proceed, I have something to say” Jake proclaimed.

“I Jake Smith reject Yves Lopez as my mate”


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