
Chapter 2

My alarm’s blaring woke me up. I groaned and rolled over checking the time. It was 5:02, the time I usually woke up to do my chores in the pack house.

Turning onto my face, I realized my injuries didn't hurt anymore. I healed very quickly for a regular wolf. It was one of my peculiarities, I guess. Right, I hadn't shifted yet. I just turned 19 a few months ago but I still hadn't shifted. How wonderful.

Groaning, I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I made sure to scrub every inch of myself thoroughly. It was the only thing that made me feel good about myself. The water was chillingly cold but I was used to it. In a few minutes, I was done getting ready for the day.

Munching on one of the apples from yesterday, I made my way downstairs, in awe of the decorations which seemed to have been done overnight. Everywhere smelled of fresh flowers and extra lights were put up.

“Hey snap out of it… Go help at the front yard. Jake would get here anytime now” Olivia a pack member snapped at me

“Yeah… right. I'm sorry. I'll be right off”. I apologized.

“Just save it and go work,” She rolled her eyes and walked away.

They all treated me the same but I was used to it.

Jake is the Alpha’s son and he will be returning home today.

We were friends as children and he always stuck up for me. Sadly, he had to leave when he turned 15 to receive extensive training up north. I was so glad he would be returning home and although I would never admit to anyone, I had the biggest crush on him.

A few hours passed and I was done with my work for the day. Cross-checking for any errors, I saw that there were none so that meant I could go back inside. Today, the pack house was extra lively and bubbly. It was a very special day and of course, everybody had taken their time to look extra presentable.

Escaping into my room, I let out an air of relief…I had gone the entire morning unnoticed. That was a good start. Time was running out though and I had to return downstairs soon as everybody had to be present at Jake’s arrival. Freshening up, I slipped into a dress and tied my hair up into a messy bun, slapping on some lip balm.

Proceeding downstairs, I was just halfway down the stairs when the most captivating scent I'd ever perceived in my life wafted into my nose. It smelled of mint and spice. My stomach churned and I ran the rest of the way downstairs. Jake had walked into the house and the pack members were cheering and congratulating him but he didn't seem interested. It was as if he was looking for something… or someone.

“Yves” he breathed when his eyes finally found me.

The intensity of his attention bore down on me and I didn't know what to do but fiddle with my fingers.

Truthfully, I felt an undeniable pull to him which was both thrilling and terrifying. It was as if we were in another world with all the noise sealed off, lost in each other's eyes. I was broken out of my reverie when Jake took my hand and pulled me away amidst murmurs and whispers from the pack.

I couldn't help but whimper when he grabbed me. His touch sent electric shivers down my spine and it felt good. I still did not understand what was happening. Dazedly, I let him pull me upstairs whilst sneaking glances at him.

He was the same as I always remembered. His dark hair was neatly combed and his clean-shaven face gave away sharp, defined features. He was taller now with a more athletic build. I glanced down at his attire and found him wearing a simple white t-shirt and blue jeans coupled with a golden watch and earrings.

Overall, he gave off a bad-boy vibe.

Getting to his old room, I sucked in a deep breath as he opened the door and tugged me in.

His tall, athletic frame seemed to emit heat and his grey eyes locked onto mine with a passion that sent shivers down my spine.

Not even bothering to close the door, he pulled me into a kiss.

My knees buckled but he held me firm against him.

The kiss was feral and lasted until I could no longer breathe. I could feel his fangs elongate before he pulled back and held me in his arms.

“Turns out we are mates little wolf” he chuckled

Little Wolf was a name he had given me as kids when we played together.

What? I was Jake’s mate? I was dumbfounded. Although this was what I’d always wished for, I didn't know how to handle it now it was happening. I felt I was hallucinating. How could I be Jake’s mate? The gravity of the situation crashed into me and I shuddered.

Jake must have felt my anxiety because he began rubbing little circles in my head to calm me down.

“How have you been? You know, I missed you so much these past few years. Now I see the reason why” his words made me flush.

Pulling me out of his arms to study me, my eyes roamed everywhere in the room except his face. He chuckled at my shyness and pulled me back into his embrace resuming rubbing little circles in my head.

“I-I’ve been good” I breathed out. What he was doing to me was affecting me very much.

“You look more beautiful than I remember, I’m so lucky you're mine Yves,” he said to me pulling strands of hair away from my face as he said so. Blushing, I looked away and I heard him give off a hearty chuckle. He chucked a lot and it seemed to be a habit.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

“The Alpha requests your presence, Jake, he demands that you meet him at his office in twenty minutes” I recognized the voice to be that of Bernard, a pack warrior.

“I- I’ve got to go” I mumbled. I very much didn't want to go anywhere. But then I wasn't prepared for me and Jake to be revealed yet. Not to mention that I had nothing to wear for the ceremony and I had to find something at least presentable.

“Arrangements will be made for your dress and styling tonight. I can't wait to claim you as mine in front of everyone little wolf” Jake whispered to me as he burrowed his head into my neck, inhaling deeply. it was as if he'd read my mind. The mate bond was truly incredible!

“Okay little wolf, you've got to go now. I'll see you later at the ceremony” he kissed the top of my head and released me.

Leaving his room, I opened the door and Bernard was still there. He eyed me with disgust and I recoiled. Avoiding his gaze, I scampered downstairs where Laura sat in the resting area, legs crossed.

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