
1 - Rejected

"Everything! "Aurora screamed as she stared into the eyes of the man she loved more than her life itself.

"I gave you everything, Perez! My heart, soul, time, love, pack... I gave you everything and yet you'd do this to me!? "She screamed further, but his eyes held no emotions. Nothing. He just stared at her coldly as her heart bled out in her chest.

The crowd was silent as they watched. Pin drop silent. Even her parents were quiet. They had warned her before. But she never listened. She was blinded by love. And now her biggest fear and their warning were coming to pass. 

“Just look at you, Aurora. You are such a silly little girl. You thought you could rule this pack? You were never ready, or prepared for the responsibilities that come with leadership.

You're so naive and blind! For the past year, I've been on a mission. Looking for ways to claim this pack and take it for myself, and you just gave me the pack so easily. On a platter of gold.

Aurora, it only goes to show how weak and incapable you truly are. You are no Luna. You're a naive fool. I'm doing this pack a favor! “He finally spoke, and Aurora felt her legs tremble beneath her as she stared into his big brown eyes.

"Perez... "She cried softly. A part of her begging him to laugh and tell her that this was all some cruel joke, or for him to fall on his face and tell her that he didn't know what came over him and that he never meant those words. But instead, he continued. Each word pushed a dagger through her heart.

“Aurora, you're weak! You're naive and incapable of handling the challenges that lie in the path of a leader. This pack needs a leader who commands respect and knows what they're doing. 

Not a foolish girl who bends to the whims of others. A girl who can't tell a lie when she sees it, and falls so easily into a flimsy trap! “He continued, and Aurora began to hyperventilate as she stared at him. 

"Perez, please... "She begged helplessly between sobs as she battled to breathe and he scoffed.

“You really thought I loved you? Aurora, it's all been an act. I don't give two shits about you. You were only a means to an end. 

All I required was your crown. Not you. Quite frankly, you're too daft for me to fall for... Without even considering your physical flaws. “He continued, and Aurora felt her knees buckle beneath her when she saw the seriousness in his eyes.

She turned to her parents in dismay and saw them staring in equal shock. Her father looked away in shame and hurt as he knew somewhere in his heart that sooner or later, this was going to happen. He knew Perez wasn't to be trusted... He told his daughter, but she never listened. She never listened to anyone. When it came to Perez, she was blind and deaf. 

So blind that instead of getting crowned as Luna on her coronation today, she gave up her crown and throne to him. To Perez. The man whose true colors suddenly surfaced after he got crowned alpha of the pack. 

“Can you all see? She can't even defend herself! How would she have protected you all? How can she lead you all when it's so clear that she's nothing but a naive little girl playing pretend? “He then yelled at the crowd, and Celine felt her wolf - Alma- whimper inside her as it began to recoil. Even she had fallen for Perez and thought his love was real.

“Perez, stop it… Stop… Please… You can't be serious... “Aurora begged as she felt pain fill her veins, but he didn't stop. He didn't intend to until he had broken her completely.

 “What's the matter? You can't handle the truth? The pack deserves better than you. They deserve a leader who is strong, fearless, and respected.

Not a joke like you, Aurora! You're too naive! I don't want you anywhere around my pack, Aurora. After today, you should be long gone. I don't care where the hell you go, or what you do, but I want you gone! And you can take these old bags you call your parents too.

They never liked me, and the feeling has always been mutual. Get your disgusting self out of my pack by tomorrow. I mean it! “He said, and Aurora felt her heart shatter completely. He wasn't joking. It wasn't a prank. He meant it. Every word...

 The realization broke her, and she crumbled to the ground and began to weep. Not caring that all her subjects were watching her. 

They had come to watch her coronation, but due to her stupidity, they were witnessing her banishment. 

"I will repeat myself just this once. My first decree as the new Alpha of this pack is to hereby reject Aurora as my mate and banish her from the pack. She has just one day left to spend with us. 

Anything longer than that, and I will not be blamed for whatever measures I take to purge my pack of any infirmities. “He spoke again, staring directly into Aurora's eyes with his cold, dark, and distant ones as he said the last part, and just then, she saw red. 

As he turned and began to walk away from her, she lifted herself off the ground, and with large strides, she followed his huge frame.

Hurt, pain, embarrassment, regret, and shame shook her to the core as she turned him to face her. And without pausing for a second to think, she threw her hand heavily across his face.

 The sound echoed through the air, and momentarily pierced the silence. Murmurs took up the crowd, and her palm began to sting from the impact, but she wasn't done.

"You were nothing but a rogue! Against everyone's judgment, I did not reject you as my mate! I accepted you! I took you in! And you dare to do this!? You were a nobody, Perez! I made you! I made- "She began to scream, but before she knew it, he suddenly threw a slap at her face. 

The slap was so forceful that it bruised her cheek and sent her to the ground. Her vision began to blur while sounds began to morph into each other. Sounds of her subjects screaming and murmuring in shock and worry.

In all that chaos, her father screamed in rage, as no one had ever dared to hit his precious daughter before. He had been watching everything silently, but this was the height of it! 

With Aurora's blurring vision, she looked up and found her father wielding a sword from one of the soldiers in a desperate attempt to avenge her.

She watched as her father tried to slash Perez, but her heart completely died when she saw Perez impale him with his sword instead.

Her shrill scream filled the air and her world shattered around her as she watched in nightmarish fear as her father fell to the ground, with blood turning his once white suit, dark red. 

“Dad!!! “She screamed as she tried to run up to him. However, her mother pushed her out of the way. Causing her to trip over her legs, and slam her head harshly into the ground.

Her vision blurred further, but she saw her father's fluttering eyes staring straight at her while her mother wailed helplessly beside him.

Perez on the other hand just walked away from the scene and Aurora watched as her father shut his eyes.

"I'm sorry… "Were the last words she could mutter before she felt herself begin to slip into the darkness.

Before her eyes closed, she saw guards walking toward her, and her mom didn't even look in her direction once as they began to pull her away. 

 What had she done!?

She had just ruined her entire life with the one decision she ma

de. With the one step, everyone begged her not to take... But she took.

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