
Luna's Second Chance; Love, Lust, Hate, and Revenge
Luna's Second Chance; Love, Lust, Hate, and Revenge
Author: Blue Bird


Third Person's Narrative;

The Moonfang was a beautiful pack. A pack so peaceful and tranquil, that it was the perfect setting for any fairy tale. 

This ethereal pack created so many beautiful stories, but one particular one stood out. And that was the story of Princess Aurora. A story that was just as beautiful as it was heart-wrenching. A story just as intoxicating, as it is captivating.

Aurora's story is a story that stands out from many others and shows the depths of a woman's heart. How deeply it can love, and how deadly it can scheme when hurt. After all, hell hath no fury like a scorned woman. 

Princess Aurora was the werewolf princess of the Moon Fang Pack. She was as beautiful as angels came and as energetic as a lightning bolt. 

Her voice was smooth like slick and whispers of the evening breeze, and her laughter was a melody that could warm any heart. She carried a certain light that ignited every gathering she was present at, and she was loved by everyone she knew. 

She had hair as dark as soot, lips as pink as lilies, and eyes golden brown like honey. Her eyes had a certain enchantment to them that mesmerized whoever dared to look into them.

She was indeed a sight to behold and a beauty that was worshiped.

She was a happy, and hyperactive young woman. A beauty that was both loved and envied. She was the perfect pride of her parents and pack. Their precious, little jewel. Their darling, flawless princess Aurora.

She was a gift from the goddess to reward the pack's faithful worship. That was what the pack believed.

However, were they right?


Aurora could hardly contain her excitement as she twirled about in her room. The day she had been eagerly anticipating for most of her life had finally arrived. It was the night of the mate meet ceremony. THE night.

The mate meet ceremony was a beautiful, and divine occasion. It was a joyous ceremony where werewolves found their destined mates. A ceremony where the goddess revealed to her children whom she had designed to spend eternity with them. 

For the past three years since Aurora clocked 18, she had been hoping to find her mate at every mate meet ceremony, but she never did. She was beginning to lose hope until the pack's Shaman, Mali, told her and her parents that she would find her mate at this very mate-picking ceremony. The one happening tonight. It was news that gave her great joy and excitement.

Her heart fluttered with anticipation and hope as she daydreamed about the man she would end up with. She had always been a hopeless romantic, and finding her soulmate meant a lot to her. 

Finally, all her good deeds would be rewarded. Aurora had parents who fully loved each other, so she believed undoubtedly in love and had a vivid picture of what she wanted her future family to be like.

In Aurora's lavishly decorated room, which was adorned with moonlit tapestries, silver crystals, and paintings of lovers that she made herself, Aurora stood in front of a full-length mirror. 

She took a deep breath of the scent of lilies that floated effortlessly in her room as usual, as she stared at her reflection. The mirror reflected her radiant beauty to her. It showed her beautiful black hair, which cascaded down her back in loose curls and had a few silver-tinged strips in it.

The mirror also showed Aurora her bright, golden brown eyes, which sparkled with anticipation.

She was indeed a sight to behold. An embodiment of a goddess. And that was a fact that no one could dispute. 

Her dress was a flowing moonlit white dress which was embroidered with delicate silver ornamental stones. Stones that shimmered with every movement she made. 

The magical-looking dress outlined every beautiful curve and dip of her body, and gently announced the glory of her delicate and flawless beauty.

“Goodness, you're so pretty! “Aurora's best friend, Serena, spoke as she came to stand behind her. 

Aurora smiled as Serena wrapped her arms around her and rested her jaw on Aurora's shoulder. Serena was a striking beauty as well. She had dark brown hair and piercing green eyes.

The both of them had been an inseparable pair since childhood, and their friendship had only grown stronger over the years.

Serena couldn't do anything without Aurora, and Aurora's whole world revolved around Serena. 

Serena's eyes sparkled with excitement as she stared at her best friend through the mirror.

 “Can you believe it, Aurora? Tonight, you will finally find your mate. The one who will be your equal in every way. 

A strong and powerful werewolf, just like you. “She whispered and Aurora smiled. 

Just like Aurora, Serena also hadn't found her mate. But still, she was endlessly supportive and available to and for Aurora.

She was a sister and a better half to Aurora, and Aurora couldn't imagine life without Serena. Serena was a gift Aurora was grateful to the goddess for. A friend who was willing to stand with her through all the hardships she'd ever faced.

The best gift she could ever ask for.

“Don't worry, Serena. I'm sure you'll find your mate too. Who knows? He might be the king of some mighty werewolf kingdom up north. After all, good things come to those who wait. “She encouraged, and Serena smiled as she nestled closer to her friend. 

“I hope so. But tonight is about you, my love. “Serena replied, and Aurora smiled sheepishly before turning around to face Serena.

“I can hardly contain my excitement, Serena. I've dreamed about this day for so long.

 To find a mate who is worthy of being by my side. Someone who will support and love me like my father loves my mother. 

However, I'm just as nervous as I'm excited. What if… Something goes wrong? “She explained, and Serena cupped her face in her palms.

“Worry not, my beautiful moonshine. Everything will be just fine. Trust the goddess. “She said and just then, Aurora's personal maid, Eliza, entered the room. 

Eliza had been Aurora's loyal companion and maid since childhood. The young lady's warm smile and kindhearted nature always brought a sense of peace and comfort to Aurora, and Aurora has always liked her for that.

Eliza approached Aurora with a gentle twinkle in her eyes. And she bowed lightly before her princess.

 “Tonight is the night, princess. Tonight is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. I am certain that your mate will be a remarkable werewolf. Someone who will match your strength and good heart. 

I know you will be a wonderful Luna, and the goddess will bless us with a worthy alpha through you. “Eliza said, and Aurora's heart raced with anticipation. 

 Serena and Eliza's words fueled Aurora's excitement and anticipation. She couldn't help but imagine who her mate would be. How handsome he'd look, how powerful he'd be, what his story would be for not being available for all these years… 

She had so many expectations, and she couldn't wait to go down to the celebration and finally meet him. To meet him and finally get the answer to all her questions and feel all the missing pieces of her life finally begin to fall into place. 

She hoped for a powerful man whose reputation resonated throughout the realm. Just like her father. But above all, she hoped for true love. Love as true as she knew it to be. 

She had so much love she was willing to give and so many dreams she was hoping to actualize. She had the perfect life and all she needed to attain full happiness was that one man the goddess had designed to make her complete and rule her pack with. 

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