
5 - Dinner

I groaned as I opened my eyes. I looked around for a bit and had to blinking repeatedly and shield my eyes from the bright light streaming in from the window. 

I sighed and gave my eyes time to adjust and when I dropped my hand, my eyes were welcomed by the sight of beautiful green tree leaves dancing in the wind. The sweet songs of birds in the distance filled the air, and the soothing melody almost made me grateful to still be alive. Almost.

I instantly remembered my ordeal and I began to look about. The one person I was eager to see was Eliza. She was the last person with me and only would have answers to the questions I have. Every muscle in my body protested as I shifted, and I realized that it wasn't just pain from being stabbed, but my entire body felt numb. Like I hadn't used it in a while, and I had been confined to this bed for quite some time.

"My princess. You're finally awake! "The familiar voice made me turn my head, and there she was. Eliza. She was rushing out of a room, I guess i the restroom, and her eyes are shining with tears of joy. 

“Eliza,” I rasped, my throat dry and itchy. I tried to clear my throat a bit as Eliza rushed over, and I asked the only question that had been to reply in my mind for the last few seconds. 

“What happened? “

Eliza gripped my hand tightly and kisses it repeatedly as she cried.

"Oh, my princess. You scared me. I thought I had lost you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you. You were… you were almost dead when I woke up but… but luckily for us, I ran into Alpha Dante.

He brought you to his pack and saved you after the encounter with that assassin. "She spoke and tears filled my eyes. 

"So… The betrayal, the banishment… it's all true? I… I was having a dream? "And tears spilled down my cheeks as the weight of my loss crushed down on me so much that I could feel it squeezing my lungs.

"How could I have let this happen? How could I… I truly have lost everything. My dad i dead because of me… "I cried, and Eliza cradled my face. 

"Princess Aurora, I know it's hard. But how will you move on if you refuse to let go of the past? How will you get your revenge? "She spoke, and my heart skipped a beat.

"Revenge? "I questioned and just then, a soft knock interrupted.

"Come in, "Eliza called as she stepped away from my bed and the door opened to reveal a strikingly beautiful young woman. She was gorgeous. Beautiful blonde hair and enchanting blue eyes that widen the moment she saw me sitting up.

"You're awake!” She exclaimed, her face lighting up with a radiant smile, a d I started at her in confusion before looking up at Eliza who gave me an assuring smile.

The blue-eyed lady hurried to my bedside and took my hand, clasping it in hers. 

"I'm Dante's fiancée, Laura. For the past week, I've been checking on you, and making sure you're cared for. "She said, and my eyes widened.

"One… Week? "I questioned, and her smile faltered.

"Y… Yes. I'm sorry, Aurora, but you've… You've been unconscious for the past week. We've been battling to hold on to hope. Now that you're awake, I'm sure that Dante would be pleased to hear that. "She said, and I looked up at Eliza again, then back at the lady. 

Her expression was warm and earnest and for some reason, I felt like I could trust her.

"Don't worry. You're more than welcome here, in our pack. We'll shelter you for as long as you need. You're the Alpha's guest. It's an honor to have you. "She said, and I could only nod, overwhelmed by everything that's happening.

"Alright. I'll leave you two now. I'd send some food up, and go inform Dante that you're awake. "She said as she stood up, and I smiled at her.

"If she requires anything, don't hesitate to call me. Okay? "She said to Eliza, and Eliza nodded.

"Sure, my lady. "Eliza replied, and I waited silently until she left, and then I turned to Eliza.

"Who's Alpha Dante? "I questioned.

"I think he's your… "She began but stopped and I raised a brow.

"He's your helper. The one who saved you. And a powerful Alpha. Workers here say this pack is the most powerful in the South Region. I don't know if they're bluffing or really mean it. "Eliza replied, and my jaw dropped.

"Southern… Region? We're in the South Region? That's so far from home! "I complained and i watched Eliza's expression fall as she bowed her head.

"Forgive me, my lady, but where exactly is home? "She questioned, and her words hit me hard. Unable to give her an answer, I slid back down in the bed, and turned my back to her. Fixing my gaze on the dancing leaves outside my window.

Eliza gave me a bath, combed my hair, and fed me. I don't know how many exactly, but I knew I had spent hours in the room as it was getting dark. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and when Eliza opened, it was a guard.

"Good evening, ladies. Sorry to bother. But his royal highness, Alpha Dante, has requested your presence at the dinning hall tonight to celebrate lady Catarina's birthday. You're to be present by 8:30 sharp. Also, our empress in waiting, Lady Laura has sent this dress for you to wear for the occasion. "The guard announced and with his last words, two maids came in carrying a dress and shoes and I just watched in silent awe. 

"See you at the banquet, Lady Aurora. "The guard added, and after the maids left, he shut the door. Leaving Eliza and me alone.

"Dinner? With his whole family? Do I really have to? "I questioned, and she gave me a smile.

"One thing i learned about Alpha Dante is that he doesn't take no for an answer and also, he never goes back on his words. "She replied, and I sighed as I rolled my eyes.

"Sounds like an interesting man. "I said and she chuckled.

“He is. “


Blue Bird

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