
Chapter 4

Something was restraining my arm from landing the finishing blow on Bridget. Glancing from an angle, I could see another arm holding me down. 

“Alpha Kai,” I stuttered. I yelped, looking at the fierce-looking figure holding my hand. This isn’t what I thought was going to happen. Apart from killing my younger sister, I expected nothing else.

“Get your filthy hands off my girl. Who the hell do you think you are?” Teagan enters the room, throwing me to the ground and helping Bridget up. “Your girl?.” My breathing spiked as I was losing control at a rapid rate. If I continued with a spiked breath, I was sure to wolf out. 

Kai suddenly held my hands, pulling me up with a smile on his lips. Everyone in the room was stunned. The ruthless Alpha was smiling. What was happening? 

“Don’t wolf out just yet, Lorenzo. You still have plenty of days left to do that,” Kai urged as he took me in for a hug. Teagan’s jaw dropped as his father’s hands moved towards my waist, hugging me like he was in his youth.

“Get away from her father; she’s wolfing out,” Teagan screamed as claws erupted from my fingernails, digging deep into Kai’s skin. “It’s okay, Lorenzo; I’m right here with you,” Kai whispered, ignoring the claws in his body. I felt calm hearing Kai’s soft words. It was like the songs of the lunar moon, soothing with silent healing. 

My hands dropped, and my claws returned to their initial position. My fang, which has started evolving, went back in, taking up its usual spot. I was back to my human form. 

“Father, are you alright?” Teagan let's go of Bridget, moving towards his father, who was bleeding from the cuts on his back. “I am fine, Teagan. You should know how strong I am."  Kai groaned a little, enduring the pains he was passing through. I didn’t hit any vital spots, so he was very much okay, or perhaps will be. 

“I don’t know what came over me. I am so, so sorry, Alpha Kai, I mean Father.” My hands glazed over the pavement, falling on the vase that resided there. The vase fell straight on Kai’s foot, making him yell out in pain. Right there on his foot were four sharp pieces of glass from the broken vase. 

“I didn’t mean for that to happen,” I said, trying to remove the pieces of glass but getting tied up and ending up falling into his arms. 

I found myself staring into his golden eyes, checking out his facial features for the second hundred and twenty-sixth time today. He was looking fierce as always, not giving into the pain that dragged him from the great beyond. 

“Father, I told you this girl is evil. She wants to kill you and murder you just like her mother once did."  Teagan roared in anger. “Please forgive me, Alpha Kai. I didn’t know what came over me. I just got all...” I paused as Kai leapt in for a kiss. 

Teagan couldn’t wrap his head around it. His father was kissing the girl he had left for her sister. This wasn’t possible; it couldn’t be. Bridget just watched in shock; she could see the twisting and turning of our heads as I grasped every inch of Kai’s mouth. 

I couldn’t stop myself from kissing him. My tongue kept twisting around his, lingering to find out the secrets it held. What was it like? Sour, sweet, or soapy? I couldn’t just figure it out. Despite my ex-mate and my daring younger sister watching, I continued taking it to higher ground. 

Kai finally stopped, looking around to meet his son’s amazed gaze. “Sorry about that. I had a problem breathing, so she gave me a little bit of air. That’s her new job in this place,” Kai says, stretching his hands.

“This was your plan from the start, right? This is your big plan.” Teagan takes me by the neck, pinning me to the wall. His red eyes glowed with anger; he could try to annihilate me any second from now. 

“Leave her alone, Teagan."  Bridget burst out in tears. They all looked towards Bridget, wondering what was in it for her. “She’s my sister. Even though she’s a bad bitch and a mere watchdog, I won’t want her to die in the hands of my lover.” Bridget wiped the tears from her eyes with her arm as she spoke. Teagan chuckled at her statement; he wondered where she had gotten that speech from.

“Listen to her, you bastard,” I blurted out, kicking him between the legs. He groaned in pain, holding his jeans down with his arms in between his legs.

“I am still his father, Lorenzo,” Kai declared. The situation went on hold for a second, with both I and Bridget taking care of the men. Bridget was tending to Teagan’s injuries while I was taking up Kai’s. The silence didn’t last for long as Bridget spotted a massive cut on Teagan’s back, calling our attention to it. He had been pushing away her hand, but she had found the spot.

“See what you caused. He isn’t healing as fast as before,” Bridget says with her hands on his back. “What do you mean?” I leave Kai for a moment to check up on Teagan. It isn’t easy to leave someone you love for a day, that’s for sure.

“He isn’t bleeding.” I slowly bend down to check the wound with a little torch in my hands. “You did this to him,” Bridget says, trying to start another fight. 

“Don’t push your luck, baby girl. You barely survived a hit from one of my fists.” I shut her up, checking his pulse rate. 

His pulse rate was down; he was losing consciousness.

“What’s happening over there?” Kai asks, a little scared.

“I think it’s some kind of special cut or weapon,” I explained, judging from my little experience as a battle nurse. 

“What can you see? Tell us, please, Lorenzo,” Kai let out, afraid to lose someone once more.

“It’s a wolf's bane.”.

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