
Chapter 5

The room felt less ventilated. No one was settled; everyone had gloomy looks on their faces. Fear spelled itself out clearly in our eyes as we watched Teagan groan in pain.

Wolfsbane is also known as a toxic plant that spells death for werewolves. It has the power to prevent them from transforming into their wolf form, weaken them, or, in the extreme, eliminate them. It was the best-known poison that all werewolves ran from. It's power most graciously gave a surprise toxin; none stood before it.

"What should we do? Should I call the doctor? Kai trembled, looking at his only son, pleading for his life. He couldn't watch his son gasp for air. It wasn't pleasing to the eye. He couldn't watch his son die.

"Calling the doctor is impossible at a time like this. After a few more minutes of watching, he'll be on the brink of death," I spat out, running towards my room. "What should we do?" Bridget asks in fear. She couldn't lose him, either.

"Fuck, I forgot my scalpel at the inn." I stuttered in frustration. I couldn't watch my lover die, even if he had betrayed me by screwing my younger sister and covering it up with a false accusation. There was his father, who seemed to be having a cardiovascular attack just looking at his son on the ground.

"Your stuff is in my room; hurry up," Kai urged, looking at Teagan, who kept on sweating profusely. I hurried with a little tear in my eyes. I picked up a white box with a claw mark on it and swiftly moved back to meet them.

"Move away from him," I urged, opening the box. I put on a medical hand glove before taking in the scalpel and opening the cut more. I grabbed a pair of surgical scissors, opening his body wider.

"It's time," I let out, looking at the blue toxin in his back. I had held the cut open with a retractor to see the poison. There was no certain way to cure him, but I had to try.

After minutes of operating, I felt tired and suddenly collapsed. I had removed most of the wolf's bane, leaving only 0.000000004 mg of it. I had closed him up after, leaving the rest to the doctor.

Weakened by the poison, I sat watching the doctor continue the operation. The doctor was a skilled one in the field of poisons. He knew what to do and what not to do; he had injected Teagan with a drug that made Teagan howl.

Teagan and Bridget had been taken to the guest room. The doctor has left with a weak body and his pay. Lorenzo, on the other hand, was taking a nap in Kai's bedroom.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking around. This wasn't the room Alpha Kai gave her. It was far more spacious and cozy.

"Rest up. You won't be able to transform for some days due to the wolfsbane effect on you." Kai enters the room with a tray containing herbal tea in his hands.

"Did you bring me here?" I asked, amazed by the texture of the room. "Let's just say you came on your own." He drops the tray on the bed, urging her to have some tea with him. He hands her a tea cup, pouring her some of the ginseng tea he had made.

"What happened to Teagan?" I was still worried about him. He was still in my heart, despite the event that took place. "He's fine; the doctor got a sacrificial pawn who took the wolfsbane in for everyone's sake, including Teagan," Kai explains with a glint of joy in his eyes.

We both sit on the bed, talking about life before we met each other. I couldn't stop talking about Teagan and the numerous battles we fought together on the battleground.

I couldn't take him off my head. "I see you're still into teagan." Kai cut me off at some point. I veered around before I landed my gaze on Kai. He didn't seem bothered about it, but I felt a little air of sadness coming from him.

I looked at myself, and then I realized. I was still in my ripped-up nightgown with my braziers showing the top of my beautiful sisters, along with a little of my pants. Embarrassed, I wrap the bed sheets over my body.

"I've seen it all before. You don't have to start covering it from me," Kai let out, watching as I hid behind the sheets.

His hands began to move, gripping me by the shoulder and bringing me towards him. He held me in his arms, the sheets still lingering over my body.

"You know you can always talk to me about anything, Lorenzo," Kai began with his hands moving from my shoulders down to my palms, holding them graciously. The movement of his hands made me shudder with pleasure.

His hands soon began moving, rubbing my belly slowly and pulling me in for a deep kiss. I couldn't resist him, knowing how I felt from last night's rump. My plan could come to life if I become his Luna. I just had to make him fall for me. I felt weak to his touch; maybe it was the effect of the wolfsbane I had taken in or his perpetual charm and gifted hands.

I moved my hands to his back as the kiss intensified. I couldn't get enough of him, leaning in for more of his mouth. He groaned as my hands came into contact with the cut I had planted on him when I wolfed out.

"I want to tell you a secret, Lorenzo," Kai says, breaking the kiss.

"What's that, Father?" I inquired with anxiety in my tone.

"You can stop calling me father. The name's Kai, as you know." Kai brought me closer to him, my head on his chest with his hands wrapped around me.

"Okay Kai. So what's the secret?" I inquired, wanting to know the mighty Alpha's secret so badly.

"I love you, Lorenzo.".

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