
Chapter 6

"What? love me”? I stuttered.

You love me?

This was quickly spiralling out of control, but the pain and betrayal I felt for Teagan and my sister wouldn't let me see straight.

I didn't have an opportunity to overthink this, I had to think of myself too? This was in my favour I thought. If Alpha Kai loves me, then it makes it easy for me, right? God, I was so confused.

This was so unexpected

hearing his voice pulled me out from my reverie.

“Lorenzo”?he called to me

Yes, Father? I answered him. It came out like a question, and I didn't even care less.

“Lorenzo, the name is Kai, you already know that you can stop with the Father now” he said as calmly as he could but his expression was anything but that.

“I understand how you feel about this, so I don't feel bad that you don't feel the same yet” he continued.

“With everything that has happened between you and Teagan, I know this is a difficult place for you right now but this is how I feel, I haven't felt this way for a long time now, I am not trying to pressure you, more like letting you know where I stand on this and how I feel about you, I know it might be wrong and people will judge us, but this is how I feel, and now I have the opportunity of letting you know that is precisely what I am doing” he said.

I am not going to push you, I am not going to force you into anything, I am just going to let you come to me, baby steps, as long as you come to me, being with me will be a lot for you, but you have been the object of my dreams and fantasies for a long time, so I have had the time to come to terms with this, unlike you, that is why if and when you need me to hold your hand I'll be there doing just that because I know this will be difficult, but you are worth it to me” he finished slowly.

Maybe it was what I saw in his eyes, his low gaze on me like I hung the moon, or perhaps it was just the moment, but the air was thick with tension, his eyes bled need so potent it had me squirmed, need that he hoped I could see, and I saw it, maybe it was him saying the right things with this certainty that we were untouchable, possibly I could blame the revenge I wanted on my ex-mate, or perhaps I was still under the influence of the drinks from last night, perhaps I could blame my confused heart and the moon goddess for what I said next, but I knew I meant it.

“I am attracted to you too” I muttered to myself.

I looked at him, his gaze pierced through me and I felt naked to my toes and repeated it again.

“I am attracted to you, Kai"

I don't know how I got here, I am confused with everything… with Teagan and his sudden appearance with my sister to present her as his mate to you, with my sisters betrayal and with this between us, which is the most confusing of them all"

“I don't get it, what it is that is happening, but I feel something for you, something I didn't know was there until yesterday, something crawling through my chest that I'm finding it difficult to control, something I want to take my time to figure out, and I hope you give me time, and you stick with me while we explore this”

Kai's gaze did not waver, instead he pulled me closer to him, he held my hand in his, his eyes still on me while I bared my soul to him, when I was done I felt empty like a barrel, and it felt good to spill since I had no one to tell this, and I could not for the life of me figure out why I trusted him, but I did, he made me feel safe, everyone else feared me, they cowered in fear whenever I came into a room or when I was in a mood but Kai, he could handle me at all times, I felt like I had an equal and that felt good.

“Lorenzo, little wolf,” he started.

But we were interrupted when Bridget, my sister came in, I made a move to jump off him, but Kai held me down and pulled me back to him. My sister looked from me to Kai and back to me.

Her lips pulled back in anger.

“Moving from son to father I see, I should really learn a thing or two from you, big sister” every word laced with sarcasm.

I couldn't hold my anger, I jumped up and snarled, my wolf quickly rising to the surface wanting to be let out, but I knew I couldn't do it, not here and not to my sister because like it or not, betrayal or not I still had a soft spot for my sister and I could not understand why she would do this to me, I could not remember doing anything so wrong to her.

“Well if you didn't want everything I ever had I wouldn't have to give you a job to keep up with always, you're welcome baby sister, let us see how easy you will get your hands on this one” I said lightly touching Kai's shoulder and giving her a sinister smile.

“Yes Bridget I know your game, you're just a little girl, I can't believe you would do this to me, I practically raised you, I did everything for you and now my mate?really?

You could not think of anything better to do, you're merely a jealous little girl and I will show you that little girls don't play where the adults are” You want to have my mate? I'll let you have him, but I promise you,

"You bitch”! She screamed, “You do not know anything” she continued screaming as spit flew from her mouth touching my face.

“You have always gotten everything good and left me to take whatever you did not want, you just feel small now that he no longer wants you, you're running to Alpha Kai to cry like a little baby”

“Teagan is with me now, you have to accept that he does not want you anymore, you're his last now sister, accept it and move on or not I don't care, I am with him now, and I'm not going to apologise for wanting him”

Before I could get a word out Kai stop us abruptly. He used his Alpha voice and said slowly but not any less menacing


Oh, Kai! I forgot he was here watching my sister and I scream at each other. I couldn't hide my embarrassment.

Not only that, but I watched my sister bend down and cower in fear, she had never seen the alpha voice directed at anyone and not to talk of her. Likewise, I tried to protect her from numerous things and this was one.

“I would rather not hear any more word from you ladies” Kai looked from me to Bridges and back to me, piercing me with his gaze.

“You don't disrespect your Alpha” he continued

“Dad, don't use your alpha voice on them like that” Teagan interrupted abruptly.

My head spun, where did he come from, I didn't hear him come in.

“You are the cause of this whole problem” he continued

The alphas face paled in shock

“What”? Kai managed to ask

“Yes you are the cause of this entire issue” he repeated

“You don't think I know? That you have been sleeping with my mate. For how long has this been going on? Before I marked her? after? when? How many people's mate have you been running around with? You are just an old man who does not want to rest, you run around with people's mate, wow dad, I'm impressed” he continued.

"You think I wouldn't find out what you have been doing behind my back? Teagan scoffed

"You can have her I no longer want her anyway that is why I sent her away, she didn't tell you that?he asked

Kai turned to look at me and I looked down at my feet in shame. Kai's face hardened, but he did not say anything, he turned his face back to Teagan, but Teagan wasn't done.

“You both disgust me! I cannot believe my father would go behind my back screwing my mate. I guess countless things happen when you don't watch your back hope you have your fun because I am done with the both of you”

He looked from me to his Father, Kai, he didn't even stop to wonder if he was hurting his dad. I thought he was done until he landed the killing blow.

“No wonder mom chose dying to be with you, I understand her now, I would rather die” he shook his head, dragged Bridget along and left.

I did not think anyone's face could be that white. Kai's face paled like a sheet.

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