


I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. My head ached badly and my eyes hurt as well. My throat burned and I knew I was going to be sick. Those were the signs that usually accompanied my sickness.

I turned on my bed and stared at the giant clock in my room. It was 8 a.m. already! I had overslept!

I jumped up from my bed and a paper fell down. Crouching down to the floor, I picked it up and spread it open in my hands. It was a letter from Griselda, the head of the maids and it was addressed to me. It contained my work schedule as a maid for the rest of the week.

I stared at the first item on the paper. Prepare the Alpha's bath by 6 a.m. And it was already 8!

Fuck, Antonella! You have gotten yourself in a lot of trouble today.

I washed up quickly and wore the apron that Griselda had left neatly folded on my bed. She must have come in earlier to drop it. If she saw me sleeping when she came in, why didn't she wake me up?

As I struggled with the thoughts in m
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