

After what happened in the hospital hallway. Julie took to her car and drove her home. As soon as they were inside Megan's house and she had settled down. Julie made a hot cup of coffee for her with enough cream. Julie handed the cup to her and she took it from her.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Her face was a mask of concern.

Megan could only nod, she held the hot cup in her hand relishing in the distraction that came from the hotness of the cup.

"I knew that guy was a bastard and a good-for-nothing man. He had always been an asshole." She knew Julie was saying all those things so she would feel better. It helped though.

However, she was too embarrassed and ashamed to even utter a word. She had just finished defending him a moment before that happened. How could she be so stupid and foolish? She lowered her head.

"Just say the word Megan and I will kill him. I will inject him with arsenic. Jail is not a problem for me to go to if my mother receives all my savings."

Megan raised her head to look at her, something wet rolled down her cheeks. She realized with a sinking feeling that it was tears. She was crying? Julie was at her side in seconds holding her in her arms and patting her back lightly. Megan choked out a sob.

"Julie..." She choked out unable to speak clearly.

"It's alright to cry, you know. Let it all out."

The tears kept rolling. "W- Why did she have to be pregnant? Why did he have to betray me this way? After all I have done for him." Her voice was cracking as she spoke.

Julie drew back and looked at her. Megan sniffed. "Now listen carefully. It is better now that you found out about his cheating early. Let's celebrate that you did not get married to that chickenhead before you found out about his infidelity. He is the idiot for cheating"

She stood up, took a tissue paper pack, and handed it to her. Megan took from it, wiped her face, and blew her nose. Her cries reduced. "What do I do Julie? Why did you think he did that to me?" She asked.

"You did nothing wrong Megan, don't blame yourself. It's that blonde dick that decided to be a dumbass swine and not value what he has. It's his loss, not yours."

"The girl was pregnant." She said after a pause.

Julie placed a hand on her jaw. "If the lady is pregnant, that means, his relationship with her has been going on for a long time now."

"Those girls in the restaurant!" Megan gasped out loud.

"Which girls? What are you talking about?"

"When I went to have dinner with Brandon some days ago, some girls were staring at me and Brandon all through the time we were in the restaurant. Their clothes were expensive so I knew that they were not paparazzi. Most times, they would stare at us and then talk to themselves. I thought it was weird at first but when I showed those girls to Brandon, he immediately became tense and refused to look me in the eyes. He quickly paid for the meal and we left the restaurant. He didn't even escort me to my house. I thought it was strange but I guess heaven was giving me a sign. How could I be so stupid." She cried out.

"We all are stupid at a point in life but it is left for us to continue remaining stupid or not."

"Do you know the woman?" Megan inquired. She knew it was pathetic to ask that question but she could not help it.

Julie shook her head. "Nope. I did not get to see her face clearly."

"Oh." She said, disappointed. She was hoping that Julie would see the woman's face and if the woman was famous then she might know her as Julie knows many famous people.

"Don't let him know that you saw him or know he is cheating," Julie said suddenly.

"Huh? Why? Isn't that what I am meant to do?" She raised her brows in confusion.

Julie shook her head and sat down beside her. "When a criminal knows his crimes are exposed, the first thing he tries to do is run or hide the evidence. So, therefore, don't inform him yet. Try and get more evidence that he can't deny or catch him in the act. Do you understand what I am saying?"

That made a lot of sense, she thought. "Yes. I think it will be better that way. I agree with you."

Julie patted her long black silky hair. "Good girl. Don't let him try and deceive you anymore. Maybe you can find someone better, hotter, and richer than him to make him extremely jealous and when he realizes what he has lost, he will come begging on his knees. But by then, it will be too late. I can vouch for someone like Leonardo Valenti. He is the perfect candidate."

"Leave Leonardo out of this. Do you think he has a family elsewhere or is married?" Megan gasped and covered her mouth with her hand in shock. "What if he does? I hope I was not dating a married man for four years."

"Married? It could be true and it could not be true. We don't know for sure about that one. Plus it's hard to hide a marriage when he is famous. Let me go to my house to get some things I will need in order to stay in your house, till your leg recovers." Julie said.

"Okay. You are coming back soon right?"

"Of course." Julie stood up. "Don't stress yourself much. I will be back now."

Megan nodded, Julie took her bag and left her house. As soon as she left, the house suddenly became too silent. She tried her best not to think about what happened in the hospital but her mind kept drifting to that memory. Was that the reason for the distance all those years? Did he not find her attractive enough? Why now lie to her and tell her he loves her all these years when he clearly doesn't?

It was really hard to admit, but Julie had been right all that while. Why did she not see the signs? The once-in-a-while calls? It was probably why he did not introduce her to his friends and here she was dreaming all these while about getting married and having his children. The tears she had been holding began to fall and this time she cried in the silence of her house.

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