

"What did I always tell you about pools?" Julie yelled at her and smacked her in the hand.

"Ouch!" Megan whined, pouting pitifully, lowering her gaze.

"You know you can't swim but decided to explore near a pool. You should have called me to accompany you."

She glanced at Julie still pouting. "You were busy, so how could I disturb you when I'm the one who sent you on the errand."

Julie placed her hand on her head and sighed. She crouched down to examine her bandaged leg as Megan was sitting on the bed in the private room that Mr. Valenti, placed her in. "Does it hurt so much?" She asked worriedly and looked up at her.

Megan shook her head but still answered. "No. It does not hurt me so much as when it freshly happened. But I can still walk out without a wheelchair. With some support though."

"A wheelchair?"

Megan nodded." Leonardo made me use one when we arrived at the hospital."

"Leonardo? "She gasped with her eyes wide she stood up and sat on the bed beside her. "Are you on a first-name basis with him now? Tell me exactly all what happened and do not leave anything behind. Because, according to what I heard from the workers, the both of you were completely soaked and he was carrying you in his arms. Come on, tell me." she probed, nudging her in the hand, her white teeth on full view.

Megan groaned as she realized her mistake of letting his first name slip out of her mouth. A gossiper like Julie won't leave her alone till she spills. "He only insisted I call him by his first name as it was too formal to call him Mr. Valenti every time."

Julie squealed happily. "He wants you to call him by his name? Don't you know what that means, when a man tells you to call him by his name?"

Megan blinked in confusion. "Is it anything special? I thought he only wanted or rather, was tired of me calling him by his last name."

"Ugh "Julie groaned. "At this point, it is no wonder that you are in that shitty relationship with Brandon."

"My relationship with Brandon isn't shitty. I don't know why you hate the poor boy so much. He does not deserve this kind of treatment from you."

Her face scrunched in disgust. "First of all, he isn't poor neither is he a boy. Stop petting a grown man like him, it's gross." Julie stood up. "Alright let's get you home so you can rest. It's been a hectic day." Julie helped her up and they both left the private room. The doctor who treated her met them as soon as they left the room.

"Leaving so soon?" The brown-haired middle-aged man asked her with a kind face.

"Yes. My leg feels much better now that you have treated it"

"I was hoping you could stay much longer, at least till the end of today since Leo instructed me strictly to make sure you are very strong and well before you leave the hospital. Or rather he threatened me." The doctor, Kevin said and laughed.

Megan could feel Julie's eyes on her but she did not return her gaze. "You can tell him not to worry, I am fine and will take care of myself."

He nodded politely. "Alright, have a nice day, and don't forget to take your medications."

"Sure, I will do that." He turned around and left.

Julie cleared her throat. "Would you care to explain what that was just now!"

"No," she told her firmly and began walking but still with Julie's help.

"You know, I would understand if you left Brandon for Leonardo. I totally vouch for Leonardo. Plus he is also on your level and got to."

Megan swung her head to face Julie, glaring at her. They stopped walking. "Enough Julie! I will not let you insult Brandon like that. Give me a reason why you are so against our relationship, you just keep telling me to leave him but never giving me a reason to."

Her face did not look apologetic about what she said. "He doesn't treat you well. Which man would be dating a woman he loves and not have time for her? He barely touches you! Can't you see it clearly. I won't keep my mouth shut just so you can feel better. I love you and that is why I know that he isn't the right man for you. You deserve better."

"He is the better option for me."

"It's been four years Megan. What have you gained from the relationship? Nothing. Not even an engagement ring. However, he is the one who keeps gaining from you."

"I am the one who decides to give him all those investments." She told her but it was like she was convincing herself.

Julie sighed. "I will leave you for now. Let's go home first so you won't stand much and worsen it." She continued guiding her. They reached a corner and turned into the large hallway where the elevator was located. Julie continued telling her about some new job offers that were coming in. Megan's eyes caught a couple who were standing at the front of the elevator waiting for it to open. The man was holding the black-haired pregnant woman by the waist. The blonde man looked strikingly familiar, then he turned and kissed the woman on the lips. His face came into view.

Megan felt her heart drop to her stomach. It was as if her world shattered into a million pieces. She wasn't even hearing what Julie was saying anymore. What was Brandon doing in the hospital with a pregnant woman? Kissing a pregnant woman? The elevator doors opened and they stepped inside smiling at each other. He did not even notice nor see her because his whole attention was on the woman.

Megan released herself from Julie's hold. She moved towards the closing elevator doors but fell to the ground with a thud as her sprained ankle did not let her move further on her own. Her eyes did not leave them. Julie rushed to her and her eyes followed Megan's gaze to the elevator doors and she gasped with wide eyes before it closed shut.

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