


"Where's Jaxon Silvenia? T-the victim... of a car accident?" I asked the nurses. My whole body is trembling of fear that he might not be able to make it.

"He's in room 526. Second floor, left wing."

We run to the room that nurse pointed, "Jaxon..." I whispered as I opened the door, he is lying down with a bandage on his head.

I walked slowly, closer to him. My tears can't stop from falling because relief and nervousness, this kind of situation never pass on my mind before, I'm not mentally prepared for this.

"Jax... you need to wake up, huh? You need to wake up," I cried on his hand. Britanny rubbed my back to comfort me, we almost got also in an accident while driving to here.

"Jaxon?! Oh my God! My son!" Aunt Seriana suddenly pushed me away from his son, Uncle Lerion catched me and assisted me to stand up.

Britanny holds my both shoulders, "Why did she push you?" she whispered. I pat her hand and sighed, "Let her be, she's just worried about her son."

I'm watching how Aunt Seriana crying to her son, it's heartbreaking, but we can't do anything for now, we need to wait Jaxon to open his eyes.

I looked at Aunt Seriana when she stood up and faced me, she's walking closer to me, "It's all your fault!"


Britanny immediately covered me when Aunt Seriana slapped me hard, it literally woke up my whole system. I touched a liquid-like in my face, it's blood, my hand are trembling while I'm looking at it. It maybe because of her ring.

"If you didn't come to my son's life, nothing like will happen to him! You son of a bitch!" she escaped from her husband's arm and pulled my hair, it hurts so much, but I let her.

She's right, it's all my fault. I should haven't fell in love to her son since the start, everything is ruined because of me.

'My parents, especially my mom, never treat me as her own son except if I did something that beyond her expectations...'

'I wish my mom see me as her son, not just as the CEO of their company...'

Jaxon's story about her mother that he told me before echoed in my ears. She's maybe mad because if Jaxon died, they'll beggar, since many loan sharks will chase her to death.

"How dare you!"

"Seriana, let her go!"

"Stop it! You're hurting her!"

"I don't ca—"

She stopped when I removed her hands effortlessly and looked straight in her eyes, "Are you scared to be a beggar?" I asked with a blank face. Britanny whispered that I need to stop, but it's not the right time to stop.



"Are you scared to be a beggar?" Selena repeated her question. I'm holding my hands tightly while looking at her, she's so different from my friend last 10 years ago.

The lady laughed and throw Selena's hand, "What the hell are you talking now, huh?! Did you throwing—"

"Jaxon told me many times that you only saw him everytime that he has done something beyond your expectation..."

"Shut up."

The tension inside the room is getting intense, I tried to pull Selena back, but she just ignored me. It's bad, maybe Selena is calm and normal girl like the others, but I think she's different when she's angry. I never saw her this furious in our over 10 years of friendship.

"... You never asked him how is he, if he's sick or not, you don't care about him at all. What's your right to blame me if you're the one who put him in this kind of situation?"

Haru and Wade crushed to the door, I'm the only one who noticed them, the other three-person standing in front of me are too focused to each other.

"Aunt Seriana... what happened to them?" Wade asked and hugged me closer to him.

"That old lady slapped and almost made Selena bald earlier. I don't know what happened to Selena, it's my first time to see her like that."

Haru is about to stop them, but the old lady talked, "You don't know anything, so shut the fuck up!"

"No, I know anything..."

She knows anything? What did she mean by that? I stood up straight because of panic. I looked at her and waiting to her next words, hoping it's not about their past.

"Selena..." Haru holds her hand, but just like earlier, she ignored him.

"... I know why the company drowned in such a huge debt three years ago because you use it to gamble. You only know that Jaxon raised up again the company, but you didn't know that he almost kill himself that time!"

Wade sighed, and I gasped from what I just heard. It's so tragic, maybe if Jaxon isn't that strong, he's gone now. The old man walked between Selena and the old lady while his hands are on his pockets.

"Who are you?"

"Does it matter right now? Why you're so curious about my personality?"

"There's no way that you are Serena."

What?! He knows Serena? Wait, how? Why? I can't remember him. How the hell he knows Serena?!

"Stop it, please? Jaxon is literally lying down there, fighting for his life, but you're fighting to death. Are you still in your minds?!" Haru suddenly shouted. The three became quiet, but the old man is still staring at Selena.

"Aunt Seriana, Uncle Lerion, it's better for you to get out of here for now. Jaxon told us that he didn't want you around him for the mean time."

"What?! We're his—"

"That's why he doesn't want you around him. Please?"

They walked out of the room, I run to catch Selena when she was about to fall. Haru helped me to assist her to sit in the sofa, she's just staring straight, she doesn't speak.

"Selena, are you okay?" I asked and hold her hands.

"You're not lying to me, right?" she asked suddenly that made my heart thumped so loud. My hands began to tremble, did she remember all now?

"We're not lying to you, Selena. Why did that question came up to your mind?" Haru said, Wade pull me back and sat me to his side.

What if she remembers everything now? Will she despise us because of that? I'm not ready, she can remember everything when we already out of this country, call me coward, but my conscience can't take to see her despise me all her life.


"He asked that question to Selena?"

"Hm, after that, Selena act awkwardly. I'm afraid that she remember everything now," Britanny said while massaging her hands. I sat beside her and hold her hands to calm her down.

"I told you that we can't do anything when Selena remember it all. It's her right to know what her past is."

"What about my past?"

Britanny and I both stood up and looked at our back when someone spoke, it's Selena. Her face is blank, as well as her eyes, you can't read what does she feel right now. She's not like this before, did she is just putting an act to catch us?

" N-nothing. Your past... uhmm don't mind it."

She rolled her eyes at Britanny and walked straight to refrigerator, get some in-can beers, sat in the couch and staring at the wall while drinking. Britanny pushed me to talk first to Selena.

I'm just about to open my mouth when she speaks suddenly, "I hope you're not deceiving me. I don't know what I can do if ever the truth will reveal itself."

My heart beats hard like it's going to get out of my ribs, especially when she looked at me with cold eyes, "S-Selena... we're not keeping the truth away from you—"

"If that's the case, tell me what you know about my past," she said, that made me speechless because of nervous. She's giving me a can of beer and looked at Britanny behind me, "I can't give this kind of drinks to her because she's pregnant. Sit here, tell me everything."


She chuckled and lean her head, "You can't tell, right? Then, answer this questions, if you gave the answer that I'm looking for, I'll stop pestering you—"

"Selena!" I shouted.

"How come that Raven's mother is alive? You told me before that his mother died after my parents left the country because she can't live without my parents, does my parents and his mother are connected to each other?"

The beer that I'm holding spilled when I'm clenching mu fist, I didn't answer her, I'm just staring at her. She needs to find all the answers that she's looking for all by herself.

She stood up and smiled, "I know you can't answer my question, that's the other sign that you lied to me, obviously. Ah, there's a cupcake in the kitchen, it's for Hershey. I need to go now, Jaxon might be waiting for me now."

When I heard the door shut, I collapsed on the sofa. She really made me scared and weak, she changed a lot. Did that Lerion told her something that can trigger her memory in that way? Argh, I wish Nanny Karen is asl—

"I died? What does she mean that I died after her parents left the country?"


Nanny Karen is giving me a confused look, "Her parents died, they didn't just leave the country. Why do you need to tell such a lie to her?"

"Mom, how many times do I need to tell you that she's not Ser—"

"She's Serena. I know what you're doing, from the pills to this kind of lies, I'm not that young to doesn't know anything about this."

I cried while my head bowed, it's so hard to me, I just want to keep her happy and in peace. But, maybe I have gone too far to the point that I might hurt her so much.

"Hax..." Britanny rubbed my back. Nanny Karen squat at my front and pats my head, "I understand why you're doing this, but you can't hide it forever."

"I know, that's why I stopped giving her that pills. I let her know everything all by herself, in that way at least she won't be confused that much."

She hugged me, I felt again the comfort that we were looking for a long time, "She'll know everything, and she can accept it, maybe not that fast, it always takes time to absorb all the truth that kept away from you. Everything will be fine again, okay?"

I nod while hugging her, Britanny also hugged me. It's warm and comforting, this is how we used to be before. Nanny Karen is the one who always comforts us when the things get rough for us, she stands as second mother and father, especially to Selena.

"She'll understand you, just give her time. Be considerate to your sister, Haxilla."


"Why do you always say that she's Serena?! She already died!" Mrs. Silvenia shouted at her husband when they got home from the hospital. She felt embarrassed and guilty from what Selena said to her.

Mr. Silvenia ignored his wife and walked straight to his office, looking for the documents that he hid for the very long time, "She can't be alive. If that stupid girl is alive, I'll bring her to her own cuffin."

Mrs. Silvenia is staring at herself in the mirror, thinking again about what happened earlier.

'You don't care about him at all...'

'... you used the company money for your own happiness, without thinking about your own child!'


All the expensive perfumes, make ups and other things on her table shattered, looking at her own eyes that full of fire of anger. There's no way that scumbag knows all her secrets.

"I'll kill you. I will bury you alive, Selena."

"No way," Mr. Silvenia sat on his couch while staring at the papers that he's holding, his phone dropped off the floor when he realized everything.

The autopsy report that they keep was fragmented, it only means that the daughter of his brother is still alive.

"H-how... Why did I fell for this shit?!" he threw the papers and drink a bottle of beer.

"If she's the daughter of Laura and Kristopher, everything will be ruined. All the things that I've done will be gone just because of a paper."

He took out his phone and called someone.


"Do a background check about Selena Formosus, and tell everything that you know to me. Understood?"

[Y-yes, sir.]

He hung up and drink another bottle, "Make a wish that you're not their daughter."

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