

Justin hurried his footsteps outside just as after he saw from the screen that it was Regina calling. Cautiously avoiding letting me hear whatever conversation they would have. 

Of course, I pretended I didn’t know it was her. 

Following their conversation, Justin returned and promptly headed towards the walk-in closet adjacent to our bed to get some new clothes.

“Who called you just now?” I asked, pretending I was not aware it was Regina.

Anyone would easily say that I look so pathetic given how I actually tried to act like it’s fine when it’s not.

“There is something I need to see at the office.” Justin replied.

“In this early morning?” I asked with a soft grin on my face.

He was such a pretty bad liar. But even as a bad liar, I found myself always swayed by his  figure that was just extremely perfect. His broad shoulders and his narrow waist. The muscles on Justin’s body were just the right amount, and he exuded sexiness. His extremely handsome appearance made him the dream lover of many women. Moreover, I would admit that this man was also good in bed.

After having sex for the entire night, Justin was called away by another woman early in the morning. And even though I knew that he was just lying to me, this feeling was very ridiculous.

“Some business matters doesn’t end at the strike of five, Margarette. You should know that by now, you’re married to a Montefalco. Our business are our blood, and we are the backbones of our business. I hope matters like this should never be questioned again.”

Although Justin’s tone may had been calm, I could still sense that he was pretty upset with me somehow.

“I’m sorry, Justin. I didn’t mean to ask—”

However, before I could even finish my apology, Justin promptly interrupted me. He then shifted the topic quickly by telling me, “I am sending my secretary to pick you up later, after lunch, to bring you to an ob-gyne. We needed to check if you’re truly pregnant.” 

The way he wanted to know and assure himself that I am not truly pregnant made me almost want to roll my eyes. Good thing I still remembered that he was my husband, and that I shouldn’t ever do that to him.

However, it just upset me knowing that even though I am his wife, in the end, he still didn’t trust me and was afraid that I would lie to him.

I kind of feel saddened at the fact that Justin doesn’t trust me. He probably was thinking that I was only lying about not being pregnant so that I could hide this child and use it against him in the future. I found it absurd and pathetic of him.

Yet in the end, I knew that I had to comply anyway. “Yes.” I nodded obediently and didn’t refuse.

“Oh right, find a time to tell Grandma. Don’t forget.” Justin’s voice was still gentle, but there was no warmth at all.

And it left me slightly stunned. “Grandma’s health hasn’t been good recently. Are you sure you’re going to tell her so soon?”

Justin said calmly, “Yes, I don’t want Regina to bear the burden of being known as a mistress here.”

As long as we aren’t divorce, Regina would always be a mistress in our marriage. She was already an illegitimate daughter. If she were to be condemned as a mistress, she might not be able to take it.

He even disregarded Grandma’s health just to make Regina feel better. For the sake of his true love, Justin was quite cold-blooded.

Knowing that, I could tell that I have no match for Regina in Justin’s heart.

And all that I could end up doing now was simply smile and answer in a soft voice, “Okay, but I have to get ready too. Can you give me a few days?”

Justin leaned over and kissed my forehead gently. Following that, justin said softly, “Sure, but don’t disappoint me.”

His gentleness was like a knife that was slowly cutting my heart into pieces.

The smile I showed Justin was filled with bitterness, and yet, in spite of that, I doubt he’d even pay it any mind. 

“Why would I? Haven’t I been obedient enough in the past three years? Have I ever made you angry?” I finally let out what was inside my thoughts without thinking of its consequences.

And Justin’s expression darkened with mixed emotions.

Indeed, as a wife, be it in daily life or in bed, I was impeccable. Especially in bed. No matter what outrageous request Justin made, I would agree to it and always cooperate with him while enjoying the pleasure. Most especially every single time he couldn’t bear to stop.

“Yes, it’s good that you know.” Justin retracted his thoughts to prevent himself from feeling more reluctant the more he thought about it.

Following that, Justin simply picked up his coat and left the room.

As I sat alone on the bed and looked at the empty room, it made me suddenly wondered was this going to end?

Then I  smiled bitterly. “In the future, this room and this bed would have a new host. And it won’t be me.” I whispered in hushed tone while stroking the soft velvet bed I’m lying on.

After trying my best to calm down, I eventually stood up, took a shower, and changed into a set of elegant clothes before preparing to go see grandmother.

Unexpectedly, the Secretary was already standing by the car and waiting for me the moment I stepped out. I quickly changed from my usual obedient and sensible self as I rolled my eyes. 

“What are you doing here?” I asked dryly even though I already knew why Claude, Justin’s secretary was here.

Claude simply smiled in return that it was making me feel like I wanted to disobey and run away from this man.

Although I always acted obediently in front of Justin, my feisty character shows in front of others whenever Justin was out of sight.

“President Justin asked me to bring you to the OB-Gyne clinic today, Ma’am,” he replied politely.

I knew I couldn’t win from Claude anyway so I opened the car door angrily. “Fine, I’ll go and see the OB-Gyne as you all wish!”

Acex Medical Hospital was the best hospital in the city and was ranked top three in the country. Of course, it was the most expensive. Justin would never send his wife to a cheap clinic. 

And while I am still Mrs. Montefalco, it would only be fair to take advantage of these privileges as Justin’s wife.

Acex Medical Hospital was also a personal choice of mine since I trusted this hospital, knowing that this was the hospital from where my parents used to work and where I was born too.

When I was a very young kid, I remember that I would often come to Acex with my parents to play. The nurses and doctors there were very kind to me as they would play with me during their breaks while my parents were on duty. Whenever my parents were busy, they would help watch over me and take good care of me.

Even as I got older, the senior doctors and staff there still knows me and I know that if I communicate with them regarding about my pregnancy, they might consider working with me somehow to hide this pregnancy from Justin.

By the time that Claude and I were able to reach the hospital, Claude was being stubborn into following me around.

“Are you seriously going to follow me still? Even if I go to the women’s bathroom? Won’t you at least give me a little space?”

“Forgive me, Ma’am. President Justin’s strict orders is to escort you closely until we reach the gynecology department.”

Claude’s answer, however gave me an idea. “Did you say you’ll just escort me until we reach the gynecology department, right? So does this mean I would expect you not to come inside the clinic with me. I don’t wish other people to think you’re my husband. Justin would never like to know that.”

My words were more like a threat for Claude and he swiftly nod back to agree with me. “Of course, Ma’am.”

I simply leave things like that since I would have a more private conversation with the gynecologist without Claude entering the clinic with me.

That’s why when we both reached the front door of the clinic, I immedaitely faced Claude and pushed him outward, “Stop and stay here.” I told him.

Claude simply looked at the large OB-Gyne sign at the door and an awkward expression flashed across his face. He could only reply, “I’ll wait for you here then, Ma’am. Please call me right away when you’re through.”

I left Claude without answering him and I could tell from the last look on his face that he seemed to be confused why Justin would sent his secretary rather than him to accompany me at the gynecologist.

I couldn’t blame him, of course, we’re husband and wife, it would only be fair that Justin would be with me. But since Regina was way more important, I had already expected that he would treat me this way.

As soon as I stepped inside the clinic, I was instanted escorted by the gynecologist’s secretary to see my doctor who also happened to be my aunt.  “Margarette is that really you? I thought you were someone with the same name!”

I simply smiled after seeing my Aunt Lou. “It’s me, Aunt.”

“Why are you here? Wait, Are you here to check if you’re pregnant?” My aunt, Doctor Lou, seemed surprised.

“I’ve tried it with the pregnancy test kit. I’m probably pregnant,” I said and I can see the cheer in her face. Unfortunately, I need to cut the sudden happiness after I added, “but I have a problem. I need your help to hide it from my husband and everyone else.” I then revealed a pleading look.

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