


It was impossible for Doctor Lou to contain her shock. My parents were her teachers. Since the time that they had passed away, Doctor Lou had received very little information regarding me.

Surprisingly, upon our unexpected reunion, I found myself in the midst of marriage and pregnancy. To complicate matters further, I now had to approach her with a delicate request - to keep my impending pregnancy a secret.

She asked, “Why?”

“I intend to retain custody of this child even though I am divorcing my husband.  I refuse to entrust this child to my husband or anyone else.” I let Doctor Lou delicately place her hand on my stomach, her eyes brimming with the tenderness of a shared motherhood.

"You naive young thing. It is not solely your responsibility to care for the child. Furthermore, your husband is obligated to accept responsibility of the child too. Are you aware of how challenging it can be for a woman to lead a child after she has been divorced?” Doctor Lou's heart was filled with sorrow and she felt a sense of unease.

Yet, I appeared to be apathetic. "It is alright, Aunt Lou.  I managed to set aside a sum of money to support the upbringing of the child.”

Dr. Lou shook her head in disbelief. “It has nothing to do with monetary matters, Margarette. Anyway,  may I ask who your husband is? I wish to talk to him. Could it be possible that his family is bullying you because you do not have any parents to support you up?”

My heart began to warm up. It was clear to me that Auntie Chen was merely concerned about me, reason why she was expressing these concerns.

However, I did not wish to bring aunt Lou into my problem.

"Aunt Lou, I do not want to be a bother to you.  When I married him back then, I was already aware that this day would come, so there is no one to blame for the situation. All I ask is that you assist me in concealing the fact that I am pregnant, all right?”

I had already contemplated departing this city as soon as Justin and I ended our marriage anyway, so there would be no need for any commotion. At the end of the day, all I want is to be able to spend the rest of my life with my child, free from the influence of his father.

Doctor Lou felt a deep pang in her heart. As she reflected on the young girl she had witnessed maturing, enduring the torment of being targeted due to her lack of parent's presence. There was a profound sense of empathy washed over Aunt Lou. It was evident that she harbored a deep sympathy for the my parents, who were unable to shield me from the Montefalco's.

She suddenly thought of someone. “Dear, you can find that person from the Montefalco’s to help you. Doesn’t your husband treat you fairly? Back then, your parents saved a Montefalco woman whom I believe is the head now of the Montefalco before your husband. They should be kind to you.”

However, I couldn’t help but frowned. "Aunt Lou, it's crucial that the Montefalcos remain unaware of my current situation. I beg of you. I'm feeling lost and unsure of my next steps. I understand that this goes against your sworn oath as physician and could potentially revoke your license. But please, Aunt Lou. You're the only person I could trust with this, otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered you.

Aunt Lou observed my unwavering resolve and understood that further discussion would be futile. She was kind enough to perform a routine checkup for me.

Following the checkup, she advised me, "It's been seven weeks already, and it seems like you're feeling a bit frail. It's important to prioritize your health and make sure you're getting the necessary nutrients. Otherwise, the infant's development may be negatively impacted." 

"Okay, I simply have a sensitive stomach. I've noticed that my body doesn't seem to absorb a sufficient amount of nutrition from the food I consume." I felt a bit lost.

"Will your husband be there to support you?" Doctor Lou let out a deep sigh.

"He's too busy." I couldn't help but shake my head.

Justin's lack of interest in me was evident, not due to his busy schedule, but simply because he didn't have the desire to to begin with.

Despite his ability to provide me with luxurious possessions and a lavish lifestyle, he showed no concern for my well-being when I fell ill and refused to offer me any cold medicine. His lack of empathy was disheartening.

This was not love. 

Doctor Lou’s eyes were filled with helplessness. “Alright, as long as you don’t regret it.”

“No, because it’s useless for me to regret it. He calls the shots.” I put away the report and smiled bitterly.

Doctor Lou seemed to have thought of something and her eyes revealed shock. “You keep mentioning about the Montefalcos. Could it be that your husband is Justin Montefalco?!”

I smiled dryly, “Aunt Lou, I don’t want to implicate you.”

If in the future, Justin found out that Doctor Lou had helped me hide my pregnancy, Doctor Lou would probably be in a lot of trouble.

After our discussion, I eventually left the clinic with the signed medical report faking that I am not pregnant and walked out while Doctor Lou fell into deep sorrow.

“Look carefully, I’m not pregnant!” The moment I step out of the Gynecology clinic and saw Claude, I couldn’t help but threw the medical report to him and said unhappily, “Go back and tell that to my husband.”

Claude’s expression was awkward as he followed behind me.

I simply turned around and glared at him. “You’ve already done what you had to do. So don’t follow me. I don’t like it!”

However, Claude didn’t dare to say anything and could only reply, “Yes.”

“You can go first.” I glanced at him, and he entered the elevator and left under my gaze.

I, on the other hand, realized that I actually had forgotten to take myphone!

I could only return to get my phone.


After taking back my phone from the clinic, I swiftly was about to leave for the elevator when Regina’s voice sounded. My body suddenly stiffened and I stood rooted to the ground.

However, Regina slowly walked in front of me and looked at me closely.

She was wearing a blue hospital gown and her complexion looked terrible. She had lost a lot of weight, but even so, she still had a fragile sort of beauty to her.

The two of us looked really similar, but our auras were completely different.

Regina was like a white orchid, cold and aloof but gives off a sense of chastity. While I always bore a seemingly nnocent yet charming face, like a femme fatale.

But to my curiosity however, it made me wonder what was she even doing here in the first place?

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