


“ missed me ? “

I turned my head to look at the owner of the voice. He was a tall , dark brown hairs , good looking man. He walked towards me and his eyes met mine and he smiled cheekily making me blink in confusion.

I raised my hand to look at Dominic who gave me a stern look but glared at the person.

“ Daniel “

Recognizing him , a wide smile appeared on my lips. Daniel, my childhood best friend.

“ how are you ? “

I stood up and pulled him in a friendly hug as he hugged me back. A giggle escaped my lips as he squeezed me in a hug before pulling away.

“ i am good. How have you been ? “

He asked me making me chuckle loudly.

“ come join us “

I settled down back on the seat as he pulled a chair next to mine and sat down.

“ guys , he’s my childhood friend , Daniel and Daniel , meet my husband Dominic. Her sister , Eloise and her husband Andrew “

Soon , the food arrived and was served as everyone dug in to the food.

“ so Evelyn , hows life going ? “

I looked at him a
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