


The Grey’s mansion was busy with preparations for the evening’s grand party. A party hosted specially for Dominic and his wife , the new owner of Grey empire.

Guests would be arriving soon and the mansion was glowing.

Dominic had arranged the party specially for her and Evelyn didn’t know that. She was still at the university , attending her last lecture of the fay. Dominic , eager to have her by his side for the event , decided to pick her up himself.

As Dominic parked his car near the university , he noticed a group of students gathered , whispering and glancing in his direction. Ignoring them at first , he made his way towards Evelyn’s building. As he walked , he heard the conversation reaching his ears.

“ did you hear about Evelyn and Mateo being her nephew ? They seem to be awfully close again , “ one girl whispered to another friend.

“ yeah , they spend a lot of time together. Wonder what her husband would think about it “ another replied ,giggling.

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