

Her heart thundered as she witnessed Dominic standing at the end of the dance floor now , his face a mask of rage. Before she could react or process anything , Dominic stormed over , shoving Christian aside.

“ get your hands off my wife ! “

Dinis yelled. His voice loud enough to cut through the music. Christian barely had time to react before Dominic’s fist connected with his jaw , sending him sprawling. The crowd around them gasped and pulled back , creating a circle of shocked onlooker.

Evelyn screamed.

“ Dominic , stop it ! “

But Dominic was already grabbing her arm , dragging her towards the exit.

“ you’re coming with me “

He growled , his grip tight and unyielding. He dragged Evelyn outside of the club. Once outside , Evelyn wrenched her arm free.

“ what the hell is wrong with you !? “

She shouted , tears streaming down her face.

“ you have no right to do this what you did with your ex ! “

Dominics anger faltered for a moment ,replaced by flicker of regret.

“ listen to m
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