


The morning sun cast a warm glow through the kitchen windows as she sat on the table with Lucian. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air , made by her.

Mathew , Mateo , Angelina were shocked to see them both sitting on the table , laughing. Not expecting them to have a friendly talk.

They both were laughing as they shared stories over breakfast.

“ you cook so well “

Lucian complimented making Evelyn to smile at him making him smile with her only for the door of the entrance to burst open and everyone witnessed , Dominic storming in. His eyes were wild with anger as he marched towards Evelyn.

Without a word , he grabbed her arm forcefully , yanking her out of her seat. The abruptness of his action made her gaps in pain and shock.

“ what’s goin on here ? “

Lucian voice was filled with firm and corner , his hand gripping her arm tightly.

“ this is between me and my wife “

Lucian scoffed and chuckled making Dominic to glare at him.

“ just li
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