


Evelyn sat curled up on her bed , the once cheerful room now felt like a prison. The curtains were drawn tight , blocking the summer sunlight , casting long , somber shadows across the floor.

Her phone buzzed occasionally with messages from concerned friends but she ignored them all. Each notification felt like a reminder that she no longer felt connected to. Her family walked on egg shells around her , exchanging worried glances but unsure how to break through the barrier she had erected around herself.

Evelyn’s mother hovered outside the door , knocking gently.

“ Evelyn , sweetheart , you need to eat something “

Her voice trembled with a mix of concern and desperation. There was no response from inside.

At dinner , the family sat around the table , the empty chair glaringly conspicuous. They picked at their food in silence , the clinking of utensils the only sound in the room. Her younger brother , usually so full of energy , seemed subdued , casting anxious looks
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