


Evelyn’s heels clicked purposefully on the marble floor, her eyes narrowed as she glared at her husband , Dominic pinned to his chair by his ex wife , Kaia. Kaia leaned forward , her hand on the back of Dominic’s chair as Dominic kept his hard fiery gaze on her.

Evelyn could feel, her anger rising , her steps quickening as she walked over to her husband. Alex stood in the doorway shocked to see the scene. Without a word , Evelyn yanked Dominic’s chair back slightly , forcing Kaia to stand up in surprise.

All of a sudden , Evelyn straddled him , sitting on his lap before capturing his lips in an aggressive kiss. Dominic , taken aback at first , melted in the kiss. His hand held her tiny waist.

Their tongues fighting for dominance but he let her take over and dominate him. Pulling away , she breathed heavily making Dominic to smile at her slightly.

“ stay away from my husband “ Evelyn turned to Kaia and warned her , her voice low and deadly. Kaia momentarily stu
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