
Chapter One Hundred And Six


"Everything..." I whispered, "He had taken everything from me, Jack, everything..." my eyes burned with the force of the tears that threatened to break free.

I gave up! I gave up, Lorenzo, you win!

I felt my heart break as I began to cry, uncontrollably sobbing into Jack's shirt. My breath was short with each deep intake of air, and my cries echoed in the confined space. I clung to him like a limp rag doll, my heart beating against his chest.

"He took away all my hopes and dreams, Jack, every last one of them. Now, I'm left with nothing, no possessions, only a hollow void inside my heart. He stripped away my freedom, invading my physical and mental spaces. He took it all, and it's too much for me to bear. I'm broken... He took everything..."

I miss him so deeply it hurts. I cry for the love I held for him, and the way it was taken away from me!

He took my heart...

He took my heart...

He took my heart...

These words kept resonating in my head but never left my lips.

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goodnovel comment avatar
next chapter please
goodnovel comment avatar
Heeni Taylor
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goodnovel comment avatar
next chapter plz plz plz plz plz

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