
Let's get married


Growing up I have accepted the fact that people like me have to sacrifice everything to please others but there was one thing I could never sacrifice. That someone being none other than the woman I love most. She was my first and last. Ashley Cooper. Some might call it love and some people call it obsession. I don't care as long as she is mine. 

After ten torturous years of waiting to meet again. I am finally meeting her again. As I waited for her in the room, the tingling sweet smell of strawberries filled my lungs. The familiar smell swept in, as the door opened.

I took a deep breath before turning back. There she was, standing in shock and bewildered. I was expecting that much. In a black dress, reaching her knee. Her shoulder blades showing and black stockings. She looked devastatingly gorgeous. 

Her ginger curls, reaching up to her waist, and red lipstick that she wore matching themes. My eyes went to a scar on her cheeks. It was subtle and mostly covered by her makeup, my mind wanted to ask her but I didn't. It already took me all my might to not go and kiss her. The taste of her mouth drowning me once again was something I desperately wanted. 

Ten years. Every second of these ten long years was suffocating. She was my oxygen, if it were not for her I would have not survived this long. A joy crept over me as the image of her in a wedding gown flashed across my mind. She was finally going to be mine. My wife! Mother of my child! I am never letting you go again. I promised myself. 

Leah took a few moments to calm herself, the shock and bewilderment gone, covered by a mask of polite and respectful tone and gesture. Something my Leah never had and it made my heart clench. How much have you changed in these years? 

The Leah I know never hides her feelings behind a mask. She was a giant ball of energy, like the sun. It Takes everything for someone to not get attracted to her. Even if you changed, even if you are not the past Leah, I love you more than anything. 

But my questions were quickly washed away, as tears brimmed up at me calling her Leah. As much as it hurt to see her in tears I was happy that you didn't forget me. That young Leah still existed inside you. Maybe you still love me. There was a chance I was ready to take it. 


“Who was she? Your crush? Girlfriend? Little Zachary falling in love. Never thought I was going to see that day.” Leah teased, a laugh placed on her lips. 

It was earlier when a classmate of mine gave me a handwritten letter. Now it was just us sitting under the usual willow tree. It was our usual spot. 

I told Leah about the letter I got, now she was teasing but underneath all the teasing and laughter I could see her eyes brimming with jealousy, and seeing her trying to hide her feelings was fascinating. 

“She does look pretty.” I nodded, keeping a straight face and the smile on her face was rubbed off, it was clear as hell she was fuming. 

“Oh. Good. Congrats to you and your so-called girlfriend. I should go, she might not like her boyfriend spending time with some other girl.” I could see her clenching her jaw so tight that her tightness might have broken as she started to pack her stuff. 

“Leah, I was just joking. There is no one prettier than you.” I tried to hold her but she glared, pushing me back and stomping off. 

“Playboy!” She yelled, her eyes brimming with tears. There are a few things I can't hold up against with the obvious being Leah and the other being Leah with tears. I rushed up to her, pulling her into an embrace. 

“I was joking. No one can be prettier to me than you. You are the most beautiful, prettiest, and charming lady. Also the most possessive and jealous one.” Leah gave a soft blow at the last line, glaring at me. But that didn't stop her from hugging me back. 


As she ran away to the washroom in tears, my heart was pierced into pieces. It was unbearable even more knowing I was the cause of her tears. I want to run behind her and tell her everything but I know I can't. That was one of the rules I adhered to to get her back. 

As time passed the worry grew in me, as I wondered whether she left, I would not blame her if she did. But she returned just to grab her bag and leave. I can't lose her again. I needed to stop her and in a blunder of moments, the only thing that could stop her was blurted out of my mouth. 

As much as I regretted using her weakness against her, I was happy she stopped. The hint of curiosity was all I needed to make her throw these masks and get her to agree. But I failed. I failed miserably. I forgot she was no longer the old Leah anymore. She grew up. 

Before I could try anything further she left, crumbling the joy and light from the room. I failed to get her. This was one last chance I had yet I f**ked it up.


The waitress entered the room bringing the food I ordered for her. Everything she liked. The simmering food made me wonder if she was ever going to be mine. 

I glanced at the waitress placing the food on my table. “Bring me whatever alcohol you guys offer.” She nodded and excused herself from the room. Maybe my mood was clear on my face that she didn't ask any further questions. 

As the memories flooded, the string around my chest tightened, squeezing out every bit of blood inside my heart. I never thought what I was going to do without her in my life. A life without Leah in it was not a life it was a hell. A punishment. 

Suddenly the door opened and the familiar strawberry scent filled in, and a soft voice, 

“You were right. Let's get married.” 

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