
35. Teaching him how to smile

Vincenzo's POV

"Excuse me?"

Clearly thinking I misheard her, she gestured for me to come closer and whispered, "Bring your ear closer, my dear human, so that I can grace you with my request."

Rolling my eyes, I looked away. I don't take orders from others.

Grabbing my legs, she stood up, and one of them ended up fisting my pants. Thankfully, it didn't slip down.

What the heck is she doing?

She stood on her tiptoes, brought my ear near her mouth, and screamed, "Carry me!" Making me deaf for a minute. I swear she was so loud that even in the dark, I saw birds flying away in panic.

This woman is crazy!

I stood there dumbfounded, contemplating whether my insurance would cover the cost of a new pair of eardrums. Meanwhile, she took matters into her own hands and attempted to scale me like a human tree.

She finally managed to perch herself on my back, clinging to me like a koala bear on a eucalyptus tree.

She is actually an elf who has wreaked havoc on my life. When I married her, I thought
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