
36. Dancing on her little finger

Vincenzo's POV

"They..." Roseline bit her nail nervously and looked at me with innocent eyes. I could sense the weight of her unspoken words and the pain she carried within her. For too long, I had listened to her cries in the middle of the night, yearning for her parents without fully understanding their fate. Today, I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I wanted to hear her story.

I decided not to interfere in her life but right now I couldn't stop myself.

"They died" Her head fell to one side, the smile that was on her lips was no longer there, making me feel guilty and her eyes were now filled with tears. "They cried for help," her lips pouted, "but I couldn't help them."

My heart ached for her as I realized the magnitude of her guilt and grief. I remained patient, giving her the space and time she needed to share her story. She sucked in a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, and then uttered a single word: "Rain."


Confusion swept over me. I wondered if she had lost her
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