



I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door. My eyes flew up but they immediately squinted shut when the reflection of light from the window hit my eyes.

Spreading my arms, I let out a yawn and laid still with my eyes closed. The knock came again and I grunted in annoyance before finally getting up from the bed, which was still beckoning to me to lay back down.

I pulled the door open and sighed when I noticed the person standing in front of me. Kane, my brother stood before me with a tray of food in his hands, while giving me one of his heartwarming smiles.

His smile reached his eyes as they glittered, making him look more handsome. He wore a casual outfit and I cocked up my eyebrows when I noticed he had nothing on his feet. He was the one who carried hygiene on his head amongst all of us, and I wondered about the sudden change.

“You brought me breakfast without bothering to put on a footwear.” He rolled his eyes. “What happened to the 'always be neat' guy?“

I let him walk past me into the room before locking the door once again.

“Well, hello to you too.”

I ignored his sarcasm and sat on the bed beside him. I knew why he was here this early in the morning but I pretended not to have any idea of what it was.

“So what made you cook me breakfast?” I brought the tray closer to me and my mouth watered at the sight of the food. He prepared my favorite, which was stir fried pasta with lots of beef and chicken. At how hungry I was, I was sure I would be asking for more after I had finished the one on my plate.

As if on clue, my tummy rumbled and I looked up to find Kane gazing down on me with a wide grin on his face.

“I knew you skipped dinner and I wonder why.” His tone became serious. This was it, I thought to myself. He was now going to ask me the reason behind my action last time and knowing him, he would catch on to my lie if I ever told him a fib so that was why I always tried to avoid him whenever I didn't want to open up.

I shook my head and continued eating like my life depended on it. I reached over for the bottle of water and he beat me to it, pouring me a glass before pushing it back to me.

I took a gulp and remained silent, using the time to think of what to say. Should I tell him about finding my boyfriend cheating on me only to hear him claim her as his mate? Or should I just tell him that we both quarreled and decided to break up? Knowing my brother, he wouldn't believe that. He knew how much I loved Devin for me to be angry enough to break up with him over a misunderstanding.

“Just tell him the truth, he wouldn't bite you know?” I ignored Ice's voice in my head. All she ever advised me to do was to tell the truth at all times, not minding the implications it could cause. I knew what Kane was likely to do, he would beat up Devin for hurting me and that was something I didn't want to happen. The last thing I wanted was for Devin to think I wanted him back. Which was the truth, I don't want him back even if he happened to reject his fated mate and come back to me.

I finally decided to tell him the truth. It was better he heard things from my own mouth than for Devin to blabber his mouth whenever they both met again.

“Devin and I broke up.” I dropped the fuck and filled him up on how my surprise turned to me getting loads of them from him. His eyes darkened as his hands fisted in anger. Now this was what I was avoiding, he was getting so worked up.

“He's such a big fool.” He cursed angrily, and I couldn't agree more. “He didn't deserve you and I bet you that he would be so jealous when he finally sees you in another man's arms.” He moved closer to me and took my hands in his. His hands covered mine entirely, rubbing his rough thumb on the back of my hand.

I held his gaze and softly smiled. “I don't think I have a mate out there. Besides, I don't want to have anything to do with one at the time being.”

“No, please don't say that. You are going to attend the mating ball and I have this feeling that you are going to finally meet him. And you know what? He's going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you. Believe me when I say this, no man would be able to reject you knowing how beautiful and amazing you are.” I pushed the tray out of the way and hugged him tight.

“Thank you so much Kane, I feel better after sharing this with you.“ He patted my back and we remained in that position before I finally broke the hug.

“Anything for my little sister.“ He kissed me on my forehead. We talked about how things were going to change when I finally got my mate. After he left, I remained in my room while reminiscing on our discussion. And somehow, the thought of finding my mate numbed the ache in my heart.

The following days that flew by were without much event, apart from the normal glances I received from my sister and the fake smiles I got from my mom whenever she deemed fit to showcase it, nothing more happened.

Today was finally the day everyone unmated wolf had been waiting for. It was the Blood Moon day, the day our goddess created just for us to find our mates. Other Alphas of different packs had been invited to the party and a lot of the maidens had been wishing to be mated to one of them, my sister included, and I guess I was the only one who didn't care whether I was mated to Alpha, a Beta or even an Omega. To hell with all the ranks, anyone who could keep me happy was who I wanted. After all, I was Alpha myself and I could handle any situation where my mate could not.

After having a quick shower, I dressed in my long floral gown and let my hair cascade in waves down my back. I was in the process of scenting my body when I heard the door push open.

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