

A loud gasp escaped from my lips at the sight that welcomed me. There on the bed f**king a bitch was none other than Devin my boyfriend, a man who had promised to be my mate and who always sang in my ears of how he would always protect me.

I guess this was what it was all about. His protection. Oh damn it! Frustration filled my whole being and before I knew what was happening, tears fell down my eyes like non stop rain.

"Devin!" I shrieked, my voice echoing through the room, trembling with a mixture of shock, hurt, and anger. My body shook uncontrollably, and I clung to the wall for support, feeling the weight of my world crashing down around me. My bag slipped from my hands, forgotten in the midst of the emotional turmoil that consumed me.

The couple on the bed immediately looked up to find me watching them. Their faces were a mixture of shock and surprise, never expecting to look up to find me watching them f**k.

As I stood there, my eyes locked on their form, horror coursed through my veins. I couldn't tear my gaze away from the sight of Devin's naked body intertwined with that of the other woman. It was an image that seared into my mind, etching pain and betrayal deep into my heart. My heart felt like it was being ripped apart, each beat causing excruciating pain. A loud sob escaped my lips, the sound a raw manifestation of the fire burning in my chest, reducing me to ashes. Was this what heartbreak felt like? I never imagined it could be so agonizing.

Tears streamed down my face, and I tried my best to sniff them away, but it only deepened the wound in my heart. I desperately needed to escape from there, to seek solace in the confines of my own space, where I could attempt to process why he had done this to me.

“Why, Devin?” I managed to choke out between sobs. But what hurt even more than the sight before me was his lack of urgency, his indifference. Instead of rushing to me, he casually wrapped his arm around her shoulder, his eyes devoid of remorse.

I tore my eyes away from the sight of him and turned my attention to the woman he was with. She wore a smug expression, reveling in the pain she had helped inflict upon me. In that moment, I felt a surge of anger, a desire to strike her across the face. But I held back, knowing that my true business was with Devin, the one who claimed to be my man, my alpha.

“You can't say anything now? Cat got your tongue?” I scoffed, my voice laced with a bitter mix of sarcasm and disdain. As I drew nearer, he instinctively shielded her from my sight, aware of the storm brewing within me. He knew full well the depths of my anger and what I was capable of. But I had no desire to spend even a moment in the presence of either of them. The stench of sex lingered in the air, and I fought back the urge to retch, scrunching my nose in disgust as I closed the distance.

With his arm still wrapped protectively around her, he lifted his free hand to rake his sandy blonde hair, a gesture that once seemed endearing but now only intensified my anger. He had always been handsome to me, but in that moment, he appeared as a heartless monster—a demon without a shred of compassion.

Scratch that—demons themselves didn't possess hearts.

“No, Helen, this is not what you think,” he said, his voice filled with false sincerity, his tongue tracing his lower lip as if trying to find the right words. He sighed as though he were the victim, as though I were the one causing him pain. The audacity of his words struck me like a dagger to the chest. Wolves! I knew their nature, their tendencies, but I thought he would be different. I believed that I meant something to him, that he wanted me as his Luna. All this time, he had been playing me.

The realization hit me like a tidal wave. How could I have been so foolish? How could I have believed that he loved me? That I was capable of being loved? If my own mother and sister didn't love me, how could I have expected him to? Helen, you're a fool, a colossal fool.

I laughed, a bitter, hollow sound that reverberated in the room, causing even the girl to shudder in its wake. Devin simply watched me, his eyes void of any remorse or regret. Yes, I had gone crazy. But it was he who had driven me to this point. Why me? Why did he choose to betray me in such a cruel way?

"Then explain," I demanded through gritted teeth, my voice trembling with a mix of desperation and a flicker of hope. I stood on the edge of losing control, and I desperately tried to hold on, to maintain a semblance of composure. Devin knew me all too well, aware of the storm that raged within me when I was consumed by anger. He had avoided provoking my wrath in the past, but today he had shoved the red-hot madness right in my face. And as much as I longed for him to taste the chaos he had unleashed upon me, I knew I had to hold onto my self-respect, if only for the sake of the alpha blood coursing through my veins.

“Come, sit down on the bed so we can talk like the adults we're supposed to be,” he said, his voice softening for a moment. I yearned for him to leave that woman, to pull me into his arms and tell me it was all a mistake. That it wasn't what I thought, that she had seduced him. I longed for a lie that would make me feel important, that would make me believe he didn't want to lose me. But as I looked into his eyes, I saw nothing but indifference, and my heart shattered into even smaller fragments.

I shook my head, refusing to subject myself to their twisted company. "I have no interest in sitting beside you two. Go ahead and tell me what you have to say so I can escape this putrid room and leave you to enjoy your sordid affair."

The girl snickered, her mocking grin igniting a fresh wave of anger within me. But I refused to stoop down to her level, to dignify her presence with a response. Instead, I turned away from them both, my gaze fixed on the door. I tightened my fists, my nails digging into the palms of my hands, as I fought to contain the overwhelming surge of emotions threatening to consume me.

“I was going to tell you this. I swear, I wasn't hoping for you to find out about us in this manner. I was....”

He was stopped by his slut. She grabbed his arm and flashed me a mocking grin that my hands were itching to wipe from her. “We are mates.” She pointed at Devin and herself before chuckling. “He told me he promised you that he was going to make you his Luna, but I want to tell you that it was very low of you to have accepted.”


Tears sprouted out of my eyes. I turned my attention back on Devin who was doing his best not to look me in the eyes. My chest was heaving heavily, and I knew I was bound to have a panic attack if I chose to remain in this soon with these lunatics.

But I was aware that I needed to hear what this was all about. But mates? I never thought it would be up to that. I guess knowing she was his mate was more painful than if she was really a slut. All these while, he had been thinking of ways of pushing me out of his life and I didn't know about it. Oh Helen, you are one big fool.

“You could have waited for your mate to find you but no, all you had in mind was stealing mine away from me. That makes you a disgrace. I can't believe the fact that you are also an alpha. What alpha would steal what doesn't belong to her?”

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