


I had had enough, I thought blankly. Raising my right hand up, I brought it down to redecorate her face but somehow, my hand got stuck in the air. I looked up to find Devin a mere inch from where I stood. There was no emotion for me in his eyes and all I could see was hatred and disgust. So he was disgusted by me? So this was what all these was all about? He promised to love and protect me, to make me his but the moment he found his mate, he threw away all those promises to the wind and stabbed me at the back.

“Don't you ever dare to lay a hand on her again!” His voice thundered in the room, his alpha aura rolling off him like steam. I knew if not for the fact that I was also alpha like him, I would have been bowing my head in submission. Never had I valued my alpha blood more than I did today. “She is my fated mate so of course, I choose her and I will choose her again and again if there happen to be three of them.”

He spat on my face, his eyes darkening as though he was trying to stop his wolf from coming out. I wouldn't also be surprised to find out that he was also a woman beater because at this moment, I was ready for all the surprises he threw my way. I was the one who surprised him by not announcing my arrival, and he gave it to me back in ten folds.

“So what about all the promises that you made to me? Did they not mean anything to you?” I sniffed back my tears, silently praying that he wouldn't finish killing me with his words. I held my breath, waiting for his response.

He sat down back on the bed and enveloped his mate in his arms. I was hurting yet he could still do that in front of me. My lips quivered, but I stopped myself from breaking down. He wasn't worth seeing me in this manner, none of them were worth it.

Slowly, he looked up at me without batting an eye. “Yes, I promised to make you my Luna after meeting her,” he turned back to her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “I realized that you weren't worth losing her. She's an angel Helen, just look at her. If you were in my shoes you would have understood.”

That stung real deep. I couldn't bear standing and listening to him say cheap things about me in front of her. With one swift motion, I raised my trembling hand and slapped him across the face, the sound echoing through the room like a crack of thunder. Devin recoiled, his hand instinctively reaching for his stinging cheek. His eyes widened with surprise, perhaps shocked that I had found the strength to strike back.

I laughed, throwing my head back as his words resonate in my ears, not minding the deadly look he threw my way. I didn't worth it? That meant he was never in love with me, and I was blinded by love to actually think he was. To say I had come here to get laid makes mockery of the whole situation the more.

Controlling myself, I looked him in the eyes and gave him the best of my venomous look. “I hate you. I hate you so much that all I want to do at this moment is to strangle you but I won't do that. You aren't worth staining my hands with blood so I will leave you.”

Without another word, I grabbed my bag off the floor, and stormed out of the room, my steps heavy and unsteady. Each footfall carried the weight of my shattered dreams and broken trust. The corridor outside became a blur as I stumbled forward, my heart bleeding with every beat, my mind replaying the scene over and over again. I wanted to lock myself somewhere and cry my heart out but I knew I wasn't in the right place yet.

As I ran out of their mansion, the servants looked at me with curious eyes but I paid no attention to them and walked up to one of the guards.

“Drive my car home, I will be running in my wolf form.” I handed him my car key and my handbag as well. I didn't wait for his response to my order, before I shifted to my wolf and ran out there as though the devil was after my life.

Ice took control immediately we were outside. She was howling and growling in pain at the betrayal we both received from our mate. I felt her resistance in returning back home but I managed to control her and led her to the direction of our pack.

We ran without stopping until we made our way into our house, while ignoring the glances we received from the servants.

The moment I entered my room, I shifted back into my human form and locked the door, leaning on it as tears made its way down my face.

My mind moved back on my memory lane. We were quite happy when we were together so where had I gone wrong? The way we joked and played like a normal couple in love, now where did that all fly into? Knowing Devin never loved me was still a blow on my face, so heavy that I felt my whole body in pain.

I slumped down on the floor, my heart shattering more as the image of them together displayed on my mind. I never knew this was how heartbreak felt like and thanks to Devin, there was no way of mending the broken pieces of my heart again.

Getting up from the floor, I laid down on my bed while looking for a way to numb the pain I was feeling but I couldn't think of anything. Devin was my world. I had given him my heart as foolish as I was, and all he did was shatter it as though it meant nothing to him.

“I never thought he could do this to us.” Ice whispered, her voice weak from crying so hard. At first, she was against my relationship with him but as time went by, she became completely into Devin's wolf. He made us happy and we thought we had found our soulmate only for it all to be a joke on his side.

I wiped my tears off and covered my face with my left arm. “I never saw it coming as well and I'm sorry for convincing you to accept him. If only I had listened to you, we would never have been in this situation right now.” I regretted my choices. If only one could reverse the hand of time, I would have patiently waited for my mate rather than agreeing to that liar and scumbag.

“No, don't blame yourself over this please. You didn't see it coming, neither did I. We were both blinded by the love we thought was there. But don't worry, everything will be back to normal once we find our fated mate. He won't treat us the way Devin did, I'm sure of that.”

In as much as I wanted to get back at Devin with my mate at my side, I didn't think I could handle being in another relationship at the moment.

Right now, all I wanted was to be alone and take care of my broken heart. I want to pamper myself and I believe I don't need a man to do that for me.

“We can remain alone for now. Besides, I don't think there's a mate waiting for us if we didn't find him after these years of shifting.” I reasoned, staring at the ceiling longer than necessary.

“You shouldn't be so sure about that. I know you want to be in the arms of our mate as much as I do and believe me when I say this, our mate isn't far away. I can feel his presence and I know he will come for us sooner than later.”

I sighed, knowing it wasn't necessary to engage in this argument with her. I didn't believe we would get our mate this coming Blood moon, after all, we had attended several of them in the past and they all yielded no result.

I remained in my room for the rest of the day, and if there was one thing I regretted in my action, it was about skipping dinner. My stomach was growling in hunger and I still didn't want to leave my room in search of food in the kitchen, maybe because I didn't want to encounter Ava or Mom. By now they must have been told by the servants about my mood this evening and telling them about this was something I could not afford to do. It was best kept a secret to myself, at least for now until I got my composure back.

“So that means we will be sleeping in hunger?” Ice groaned.

“Yes, but I promise to make it up to you with our favorite tomorrow morning.” I muttered back, before drifting off to sleep.

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