
Mated To The Lycan Twins
Mated To The Lycan Twins
Author: Amiash Mia

Chapter 001

An Omega, the lone wolf, that has been my identity for as long as I can remember, I held the lowest rank in the lowest pack of the werewolf community and for my whole life, I've been living each day like I was threading on sharp shards of glasses and I had to be extremely careful as the tiniest misstep will cause a deep slash across the iota of ego I've managed to amass over the past years.

The first sound of the cock crow was an immediate signal that sent me springing up from the cold slab of concrete I laid on at the porch of the Alpha's abode 

The chilly dawn wind gushed past my face as I grabbed a broom and began to sweep around the Alpha's mansion; a morning duty I had to finish before anyone else woke up else I'd be missing a school day.

I got the sweeping done in no time; I've been doing this for more than ten years after all, and I advanced to the kitchen to make breakfast before the Alpha's children woke up.

Alpha Taylor is the Alpha of the Nightwalker pack, a pack that I happen to belong to unfortunately, I have been under Alpha Taylor's care since I lost my parents and in exchange for providing a place to lay my head on and also sending me to school, I had to become the ghostly Santa Claus of the Alpha's mansion; I had to get everything in order and cook before anyone wakes up, anyone waking up to an empty pot or dirty dish in the kitchen could result to me being kicked out of the Mansion for about a week which sometimes is not a really a bad deal at all as I get to have a break from the Alpha's annoying children plus I get a little me-time.

I got my morning chores done and I slipped out of the house with my backpack along with one of the pairs of roof clothing I could boast of ownership to.

If anything, this was my favorite part of the whole day, my shower time

I ambled down the pack's territory to a lake just enclosed by a few tall trees

I breathed in the fresh gust of wind that blustered past my face as I let loose my tattered gown to the ground and the cold wind welcomed my unclad body with goosebumps.

I immediately stepped into the cold lake, shivering as my body immersed in the water, oh how nice this feels

I splashed some water on my face and washed my long brunette hair

Just when I felt I was clean enough, I stepped out of the lake and began to dress up.

I spared my ample bust a glance and sighed if only they weren't so big, then I wouldn't have to worry about them swaying along with me as I walked since I had not a single bra of my own to cage them with.

Everyone has never failed to make scornful remarks about my thick physique which was considered unappealing by the community beauty standards, a standard I do not give a tad of care about.

I wore my jeans and the only sneakers I had and grabbing my backpack, I sauntered to school.

I like to be the first at school, I've been keeping up with that tradition for years, that way I don't have to watch rich kids of the Alphas and betas of other packs being dropped off in their exquisite cars thereby giving them a sizeable opportunity to do what they are most good at, attempting to bully me.

I walked through the gate of Werewolf High, the security man pretty much knew I was always the first student to arrive at school so he always just opened the gate for me.

I went to my classroom and took a seat in the last row of the last column of seats 

Clutching onto my backpack, I placed my head on my desk, humming a song till I began to hear footsteps in the classroom announcing the arrival of the other students.

"Did you hear Lisa? The Lycan Twins are on their way to Werewolf High, it's not a dream! They'll be schooling here from now on!!!" A student squealed, her shrilling voice letting me know it was none other than Ella

"Of course, I know Ella, my Dad told me about it yesterday and he made me understand how powerful wolves from the Lycan pack are, they are the most ancient wolves still existing and the Lycan twins joining us happen to be the only sons of the current Alpha of the Lycan pack" Lisa, the cheerleader of Werewolf High and self-acclaimed beauty queen, said.

"Sons of the Alpha?! That's crazy, why is the Lycan Alpha sending his sons to school here when none of the other Lycan wolves ever attended Werewolf High?" Ella queried

"Maybe they want to change the old ways and begin to relate with the other packs but either way, I don't care because the moment they arrive here, I'm going to make them mine" Lisa disclosed

"Oh you can't Lisa, not unless you happen to be their mate" Ella pointed out

"Oh please Ella, who cares about the mating bond these days, my father never met his destined mate and he is happily married to my Mum" Lisa stated

There was a sudden uproar outside and everyone in the classroom, well everyone except me, ran outside to join the clamor

My seat was in proximity to the window and the tumult outside plus my curiosity propelled me to raise my head and look through the long casement windows by my side.

At first, I could see nothing but the crowd clamoring at something or someone, but as the crowd began to move aside creating a red carpet-like passage for the source of their uproar, I was able to get a side glance of them, the Lycan twins, and in that split of a second, I almost felt my heart stop.

Oh please, what is going on?

But I knew the problem wasn't from me, it was from my wolf, my stubborn wolf that has never obeyed anything I said since my birth, I've tried to call her out countless times, especially in Madam Nazrah's shape-shifting class but she always ignores me, I guess she must also consider me her servant too.

The uproar began to die down and I could hear the footsteps of the spectators returning to their assigned classrooms so I immediately put my head back on the desk.

My classmates walked in chattering and a word or two from their conversations wafted into my ear.

"They've gone to the principal's office to be assigned a class"

"Did you see how majestic they looked?! I lost myself staring at them"

"And the cars they brought in? Those are the latest Tesla models and they cost a fortune, they must be damn rich!"

"Oh how I wish they are brought to this class, it will be a dream come true" 

The fantasies of those teenage girls were creeping me up, the guys were not left out too as they fantasized about how rich and well-built the Lycan Twins were, oh please, they are just wolves like us so what could be so special about them?

The sudden silence that enveloped the class made me know our homeroom teacher, Mrs Martha had just stepped in and I raised my head

After the routine greetings, she went further to make an announcement

"I'm sure you are all aware that the Twin sons of Alpha Thorin of the Lycan pack will be joining us today and it has been decided that they will both be staying in this class" Mrs Martha announced and the class suddenly turned into an uproar as everyone screamed with glee, of course everyone except me

"Silence!" Mrs Martha growled and the crowd stifled at once

Mrs Martha glanced towards the door "You guys can come in" she signaled

As they walked in, the aura that accompanied them was heart-stopping, or was I the only one who felt it? The heavy musk scent mixed with the sweet fragrance of a Lily flower that wafted its way to my nose making my wolf growl "Mate"...

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