
Chapter 10

Avyaane's pov

      My mouth felt dry and every part of my body felt sore as I struggled to drag myself into consciousness. I could hear the faint beeping of a heart monitor and from the smell of antiseptic and saline drifting Into my nostrils. It was clear I was in a hospital.

    I pried my eyes open and looked around. I was alone in the room and an oxygen mask was affixed to my face. I had no recollection of how I ended up here at first. I didn't know how long I'd been here for either. A few days? A week? Possibly a month? It was hard to tell exactly.

  I tried to get the mask off my face just as a nurse walked in. Her small eyes widened when she saw me awake.

   “Hello Avyaane. You woke up earlier than we thought”

She rushed over to me and assisted in getting the mask off. After propping me to sit, She offered me a glass of water from the side table.

   “What happened” I asked her when I'd taken only a few sips. My mouth was dry and I was terribly thirsty but it hurt even more to swallow so I dropped the glass of water back on the table.

   “Ah, well, it's not in my place to tell you that. Hang on, let me get the doctor” She walked briskly out of the room and returned only a minute later with the doctor.

   He smiled kindly at me, “Welcome back to the land of the living Avyaane.” He put his fingers on my wrist, checking for my pulse.

    “How do you feel”

 Like shit. I wanted to reply but I tried to keep my answers polite enough. I explained about my general soreness and finding it difficult to swallow.

   “Those can be expected when you've been out for a few days”

   “Exactly how many days?” I asked, dreading the answer.

    “Only four. We thought you'd be out for at least two weeks but looks like you are stronger than we thought”  He smiled kindly at me again, his soft brown eyes crinkling at the edges. A thought about him likely bring a good father crossed my mind before it was replaced by a sharp twinge of pain at the memory of my own father. If I had been out for four days, I wondered if he'd come to check on me at all.

  “I'm sorry, doctor. But I don't recall what happened.” I looked up at the doctor and I saw his eyes cloud instantly.

   “Oh” was his only reply and he looked down quickly at his chart.

   “Can you tell me how I got here?” I asked and he shrugged.

    “The Quadruplet Alphas brought you in four days ago” The doctor replied, jotting something in his notepad.


   At the mention of them, I felt my blood instantly run cold. All at once, my memories began to snap back into place. I remembered being dragged from my bed and being forced on my knees. Being forced to pleasure them as a birthday gift. I remembered the taste of their dicks as they filled my mouth and how much I enjoyed it and then,...A mate bond. With all four of them.

   And then it all went to hell. I had pulled a gun on them. No, I hadn't just pulled it, I had shot Blair in the arm. And I had every intention of shooting every one of them in the chest too. I had the gun on Chad,I remembered that. But I hadn't pulled the trigger. I recalled the sudden, searing pain that had wracked my body as I fell to the floor, convulsing in torment.  It had felt like my body was trying to divide into two separate halves. That was the last thing I remembered before the world faded to black.

  Fear crept up my spine as I realized the full extent of what I had done. If the quadruplets had brought me here, it meant i hadn't been able to get rid of them or even take my own life successfully. I was in really big trouble.

   They would all be livid. Especially Blair since I had shot him. They would be itching for revenge, for payback. And I would have to bear the punishment. My terrible life just got a hell of a lot worse.

   The doctor seemed to think the same as his eyes filled with sadness. I had no idea how he knew or guessed what had happened. He looked me over with pity. Everyone knew what the Alphas were capable of. They were feared even by those older.


    “I have contacted Alpha Chad. He asked me to inform him the second you awaken” The doctor announced softly. His eyes seemed to hold guilt but then it was gone, immediately replaced by professionalism.

   “Will I be discharged today?” I asked meekly, wanting to prolong the consequences of my actions for as long as I could.

    “If you are feeling up to it” The doctor shrugged again, “Your readings are fine and you don't seem to have a concussion. The soreness and dry throat will be gone in a couple of hours to a day” He snapped his notepad shut. “We could keep you for a day longer, just to monitor you a little bit”

   Was the doctor trying to give me a way out? I didn't have the time to figure it out. A tremor ran through my entire body as I felt their presence in the hospital. This was new. I'd never been able to feel them before but I guessed because of the new mate bond, I was now connected to them.

   I drew the hospital bed covers up to my chest in fear and trepidation as I heard their voices down the hall. In only a few minutes, they appeared at the doorway.

   “Looks like the little mutt survived afterall”

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