
chapter twelve

Chapter 12 

chapter twelve

 Avyaane's pov

   I numbly walked with the Alpha's as they led me towards their waiting SUV outside the hospital. The discharge papers were processed very quickly and a nurse had handed me my clothes, freshly washed and ironed, to wear. The Alpha's never left the room, leering at me as I slowly took off the flimsy hospital gown and put on my clothes. I felt their eyes ravage my naked body but I refused to look up, to look at them.


   I was theirs now. In word and in writing. My father had signed the papers giving my off as property to the Alphas, sanctioning them to do with me whatever they pleased. I had ready the papers twice, going over the words in disbelief. I stared at my father's words and signature in shock. And then in anger. The good for nothing bastard.

   In a way, I was glad to be rid of him once and for all but I knew it wasn't for the better. It was like jumping from a frying pan into a big,roaring open flame. With my father, at least I knew what to expect. Even him signing me off as property, however shocking wasn't far from expectations. He never valued me before, why the hell would I think he had suddenly grown a heart.

   With the Alpha's though, I didn't know what to expect. They were ruthless, unforgiving. And to make it worse, now they had a reason to hate me more. I had no idea what my new life had in store for me now. I would live in the castle and certainly as their mate, my needs would be taken care of and I would hardly hi hungry or lack anything but I would be a prisoner in everything but name.

  The ride back to the castle was mostly quiet. Each of us seemed lost in our own thoughts. Of the four, Chad looked the least pleased about the situation, Blair was filled with pent up rage and vengeance threatening to burst forth at any moment, Logan was the most pleased, looking over at me from time to time and smiling wickedly, while Killian… It was hard to tell with him. He seemed pleased but for a different reason and i wished I knew what it was.

   At the castle, the maids showed me to my room and i quickly freshened up, washing the smell of the hospital from my skin and hair. New clothes were provided and some of my old things had been shoved into a box and transported to the room. I felt the full weight of my situation dawn on me as I looked sadly at the old, beat up box. I might never get to see my father again, that wasn't the problem, but i was also never going to return to that house ever again. It made me a little sad as the memories i had of mother seemed to slip further away. My old life was gone. For good.

  I pushed the box deep into the walk in closet and just as I shut the doors to the closet, the door to my room flung open. Logan stood there, his tall and huge frame fully blocking the doorway.

   “I think I should get first taste. Don't you?” He snorted.

  My stomach sank to my knees as he stalked towards me, enjoying every minute of the hunt.

   “Don't even try to think of doing anything funny” He growled as he continued to walk towards me and I took several steps backwards. “Every possibly dangerous weapon has been removed from the room and as you'll see, we're fresh out of pistols” He grimmed proudly at his lame joke.

  My back was pinned to the wall now as there was no where else to go. He grabbed both my breasts with his hands and squeezed them painfully. His thumbs rolled over my nipples as he lowered his mouth to my ears. “Oh, all the nasty things I'm going to do to you, bitch”

  His deep voice in my ears sent a shiver down my spine. It was revolting. I should feel disgusted but as his hands continued to rub my nipples and pull them and his teeth found my earlobes and bit into them, I began to feel a wetness pooling between my legs. He growled with hunger and tore my shirt open to reveal my nipples standing up straight.

   “You like it. Fucking bitch” He snarled.

  Grabbing my hair, he tossed me onto the bed. My whimpering only seemed to arouse him more and he fell on top of me, his mouth finding my nipples and sucking hungrily while his hands found their way up my thighs. I moaned with desire as the same feeling from four days ago enveloped me. He was my mate afterall. So were the rest of them and I ached to have him inside me. To have them all ravage me, take their fill. I pictured Killian fucking my throat while Logan sucked my nipples. I pictured Chad thrusting into me, emptying himself into me. I felt my wetness run down my legs.

   “What the hell!” I heard a voice exclaim from the door and suddenly, Logan was off me, pulled by a disgusted looking Chad.

   “What is wrong with you, bro?” Logan yelled, shoving Chad in the chest.

  “We didn't agree on this” Chad growled, shoving Logan back.

 I quickly got up from the bed and pulled the shred pieces of my shirt together.

   “What's there to agree on? She's ours” Logan said, spitting mad.

   “We have to agree on how to share her first. You don't just take her when you want to” Chad said weakly.

   “And who made the rules, huh?” Logan challenged coming nose to nose with Chad. “You don't tell me what to do, bro” He snarled quietly.

   “Really guys? It hasn't even been up to an hour” Killian's voice came from the door.


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