
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chad's Pov

    She looked so small, swaddled up in a flimsy hospital bedsheet. Her eyes were hollow and her cheeks sunken. She looked like a scared little puppy.

   “Looks like the little mutt survived afterall” Logan growled from beside me as we filed into the small room, our presence taking up the space. The nurse shrinked out of the room quietly and the doctor looked he wanted to as well.

   “Looks like the doctor was wrong. Didn't take you up to two weeks too wake up now did it?” Blair said with an evil smile. He was fully healed up from the bullet wound Avyaane had given him four days earlier but his pride wasn't and he was itching to make her pay.

   “I knew you were stronger than you looked” Killian said, a little less loudly, staring into Avyaane's eyes with a smirk on his face. His words were meant to sound sarcastic but his tone had made it sound like he was praising her.

    “Let's give her a little room guys” The doctor said, making halfhearted hand gestures to shop them backwards, “She's not fully recovered”

   “Bullshit!” Blair spat out, his eyes brimming with hate and malice. “She looks just fine”

   “I agree” Logan said, marching closer to Avyaane's bed and grabbing her chin with his fingers. He pulled her face to stare up at him. “I say you look just fine. Don't you agree, little mutt?” He sneered as Avyaane trembled and tried to look away.

   “But…” The doctor began but Blair cut him off with a wave of his hands. “She's a fucking werewolf, not a kitten. She's fine!” The doctor shrunk back, reprimanded. He looked to me for further confirmation. From the corner of my vision, I saw Logan's eye darken.

    “You may leave us now doctor.” I said as commandingly as I could. The doctor nodded in acceptance.

  “I'll begin processing her discharge papers” He bowed to us and left the room hurriedly.

   I heard Blair curse under his breath as he watched the doctor leave.

   I turned to Avyaane. Her eyes seemed to plead for mercy but I felt unmoved. I settled into the only chair in the room and fished out the papers from my bag.

   “You had the balls to shoot me didn't you?” Blair growled low, walking forward slowly, “You'll pay. I swear I'll make you pay”

   “She's not just yours to play with Blair” Killian drawled as he leaned against the window.

   “I-i'm sorry” Avyaane whispered, looking down.

   “Oh you'll be sorry alright. Very very sorry” Blair growled, clenching his fingers and baring his teeth.

     The room grew silent as I retrieved the papers from my bag. Logan's lips curled into a sinister smile and Blair gazed at me with anticipation. I tossed the papers on the bed.

   “For you” I nodded to Avyaane. When she made no move to pick them up, I grabbed a fistful of her hair, “When I tell you something, you obey. The papers are for you, now read them!” I let go of her as forcefully as I had grabbed her and in fear, her trembling hands gathered the papers and she began to read.

    I watched in satisfaction as her face morphed from confusion, to disbelief, to anger until finally it crumpled into grief.

   “My father. H-he sold me?” She stuttered, her hands visibly shaking and her eyes blinking rapidly trying to hold back tears.

   “Your old man was in a lot of debt. He needed the money” Killian said.

   “Either that or he got fucking tired of you. And who could blame him really” Blair said with a cutting smile and rolling his eyes. The words evidently sliced deep into Avyaane's heart as the tears she'd been holding back began to spill down her cheeks. She clutched the papers to her chest and sobbed gently.

   “Tears? Oh come on now, we're doing you a favor” Logan sneered, biting back his laughter.

   They had all imagined this scene for the past three days. Each one of them going over what they would say and how they would relish Avyaane's despair. Logan and Blair had been the most vocal, expressing intense hatred for Avyaane and all the things they planned to do to her.

  I wasn't too bothered with it. We had simply done what needed to be done. We couldn't let her reject us. She had every right to and that would be a disgrace we couldn't bear. A deadly blow to our pride. One worse than her pulling a gun shooting at us. And in a way, I felt like we were actually doing Avyaane a favor. I remembered the sorry state we'd mer her father in. Drunk and nearly drowning in his own piss. He'd sobered up instantly when he saw us. Whimpering and groveling like a dog begging for scraps. Which in a way, he actually was.

   When we told him what happened with his daughter, he hadn't seemed too concerned. I almost felt sorry for the little bitch having a good for nothing father like that. It was pitiful to see. At the mention of money, his eyes had lit up like a Christmas tree and he began to stutter and mumble like an addict. He wasted no time in signing the papers, his hands shaking from either greed or too much alcohol.

    And just like that, Avyaane was theirs. She could no longer refuse them or escape. Her father hadn't even bargained for a better price.

   “You belong to us now” I said to get, shoving whatever pity I was beginning to have aside. “You are our property and will do whatever we say whenever we say it”

   “And by our, he means all of us. Just in case you weren't clear” Logan said, giving me a look I couldn't decipher and turning back to sneer at Avyaane.

   “You can't refuse us now, Mate” Blair barked the word, mate out in mockery. There was no way any of us were going to be faithful to her. She was merely now a plaything.


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