

**Present time**

10:00 pm

"Are you trying to get us killed or something? Why did you come here?"

Emily spoke in fear as she reached out to Ivy who was still shivering in the water.

"Please help me, any more second in this water and I could be dead."

"I need to find something to cover you, wolves are scattered around everywhere tonight because of the full moon. I can't let you be seen naked." Emily said with a sense of urgency as she looked around in the woods for something she could use to cover Ivy.

"Please be quick"

"Man... I am trying my best, do you expect me to find clothes so easily, here in the woods? I mean no one keeps their clothes in the woods hoping that someone might need them someday.

Emily frantically searched the surrounding woods for anything that could be used to cover Ivy. Leaves, branches, or even a discarded piece of cloth would suffice. But the forest remained unyielding, offering nothing to conceal Ivy's nudity.

"Emily, hurry up," Ivy pleaded, her teeth chatter
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