
Chapter 36 – Just give her time


It only takes an hour for us to return to the palace. By the time we got back, I was winded. Fighting took a lot out of me, not to mention the sex afterward. I’m still recovering from the heat I endured after the fight ended. I wasn’t expecting to go into heat like that, but I suppose it means my condition is once again worsening.

We reached my bedroom where Landry insisted, I lay down so he can give me the blood treatment. His blood, mixed with the berries he’s picked in his garden, helps to minimize my symptoms. But it’s not going to prevent me from dying. He says it’ll slow down time a bit so he can find a cure. I don’t want to disappoint him, but I know there’s no cure. Or else I would have found it by now and cured myself. If there was a way to make it so I don’t die when I turn 25, then of course I would do whatever it took to make it happen.

I felt exhaustion overtaking me and my body grew warm, but not the kind of warm where I’m going into the heat. The kind of warm w
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