
Chapter 3

Stepping into the room, I was absolutely mesmerized by Alpha Maximus, the gentleman who completely captivated me with his performance on stage.I was instantly captivated by his irresistible magnetism as he drew closer. His mere presence filled the room, surrounding me with an exhilarating storm of anticipation and excitement. 

I cannot possibly feel this way about him. I made a deliberate effort to avoid making eye contact with him as he drew nearer. I quickly swallowed, struggling to moisten my parched throat.The room, once refreshingly cool, was now uncomfortably hot. His mere presence seemed to steal the air from my lungs, making it difficult to breathe, almost suffocating me. I could feel his gaze fixed on me, as if daring me to look up. My heart pounded in my chest, a familiar sense of panic rising within me.

Summoning all my bravery, I mustered the courage to reveal my most captivating counterfeit grin. His nostrils widened as he took a deep breath, savoring the aroma of... what could it be? Fear? Anticipation? Perhaps an intoxicating fusion of the two.

When he spoke his voice was deep, alluring, and down right intoxicating. “Sweetheart, you shouldn’t be on stage anymore. Dancing like that for everyone to see.”  

A fiery rage coursed through my veins, transforming my blood into liquid fire. I could feel my cheeks flush with a potent blend of fury and shame. "I regret that you harbor such sentiments, Maximus..." I started, deliberately disregarding his Alpha status. "You have no authority over me. You do not possess the right to dictate my actions. I refuse to be treated like one of your insignificant underlings, blindly obeying your every whim." I declared, the words dripping with contempt. I stood tall, refusing to let his imposing presence intimidate me. My defiance hung heavy in the air as I held his gaze, unyielding in my resolve.

I refused to succumb to his authority, regardless of his immense power. His dominance did not make him my superior. I remained fearless, unabated by his extraordinary strength within his realm. Instead, I stood my ground, determined to assert my own autonomy and prove that true strength lies not in force, but in the unwavering belief in oneself. With every defiant step I took, I could feel my resolve solidify even further, unyielding in the face of his dominance. 

His eyebrows lifted in surprise, and the intensity of his fury was evident in his expression. He instinctively took a step back, turning his gaze away from me and began to pace the room, his frustration palpable. Meanwhile, I stood defiantly, my arms crossed in resolute defiance. 

He asserted firmly, "You are bound to me as my mate and will obey me." Abruptly turning to face me, he narrowed his hazel eyes, trying to assert his dominance by locking his gaze onto mine. With clenched teeth, he growled, "And you are a human."

The moment his words reached my ears, a wave of paleness washed over me, leaving me stunned. To say that I was shocked would be a gross understatement. It was a mixture of disbelief and excitement that coursed through me as I realized this incredibly attractive Alpha was about to be irrevocably tied to me. Conflicting emotions flooded my soul, torn between the impulse to scream and flee, and the desire to leap into his arms. 

“Say something.” He whispered again, his voice barely audible.

I was at a loss for words when it came to being honest with him. I couldn't even determine my own emotions about the situation. My disdain for him and his wolf kind was overwhelming. Trust didn't exist in my mind, and it seemed impossible for me to ever trust individuals like him.  As I stared into his intense gaze, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions. The familiarity of his kind's murder of my parents stirred my disdain, yet there was a flicker of curiosity, a tiny glimmer of possibility that challenged my preconceptions.

“I, um, I have nothing to say to you. Other than, do you want this private dance or not? Because if you don’t I have other clients waiting. Time is money.” As I spoke, my voice wavered, betraying the nerves I tried to conceal. I couldn't help but silently curse myself for giving away my inner turmoil.

"If you are truly concerned about money, I can offer you compensation. I can guarantee that you will never be in need again.” As he advanced toward me, I took a step back. 

"I appreciate the offer," I said cautiously, "but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the terms." His eyes narrowed as he considered my response.

As he advanced closer towards me, his hand extended to seize mine. But I reflexively pulled it away from his grip and shifted backward once more. Eventually, my back pressed against the door. Bridging the gap between us, he neared, and the warmth of his body radiated onto mine. His eyes bore into mine with an intensity that made it hard to look away. I could feel my heart racing, unsure of what his next move would be.

“Please refrain from touching the dancers.” Was all I managed to get out.

“I am not touching a dancer, but my mate.” His voice was like velvet. “I can tell by your reaction, even though you’re human, you can sense the connection developing between us. It may not be as intense as mine, but you can perceive it."

The moment he stepped into the club and our eyes met, an undeniable connection sparked between us. I could sense it deep within, a magnetic pull that left me longing to be by his side. I yearned to support him, anticipate his every desire, and cherish his every need.He was standing so close to me, our bodies were almost touching. 

I breathed in deeply, and his alluring scent engulfed me. Not only did he look good, but he also smelled just as amazing. As my gaze shifted to his lips and then back up to meet his, he leaned in and kissed me. The feeling of his soft lips against mine sent shivers down my spine. Despite my intense desire to be wrapped in his arms, I found the strength to resist and pushed him away.

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